Examples of Book of Resolutions in a sentence
The North Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church affirms the 2016 Book of Resolutions, Sexual Abuse Within the Ministerial Relationship and Eradication of Sexual Harassment in The United Methodist Church and Society, which states that sexual abuse within the ministerial relationship and sexual harassment within the Church are incompatible with biblical teachings of hospitality, justice, and healing.
The 2000 GC recognized UMVIM as a "one of the most dynamic mission outreach programs of the denomination today" (The Book of Resolutions of the United Methodist Church; 2000 page 165).
The Secretary shall keep current and retain custody of the minute books of the proceedings of the Club and the Board of Directors, and may maintain a separate Book of Resolutions containing copies of resolutions of the Board intended to have ongoing or permanent effect.
The Secretary shall keep current and retain custody of the minute books of the proceedings of the Members and the Board of Directors, and may maintain a separate Book of Resolutions containing copies of resolutions of the Board intended to have ongoing or permanent effect.
This secretariat is also responsible for the regular maintenance of meeting-related records, for making entries in the Board of Directors Book of Resolutions, and for making this register accessible to board members for their inspection.
Resolutions taken by the Board of Directors are transcribed into the Book of Resolutions of the Board of Directors in accordance with the legislation and it shall be signed by the members present at the meeting.
The Book of Resolutions of the United Methodist Church 44, 129 (The United Methodist Publishing House 2004).
Similarly, the United Methodist Church encourages women, “in counsel with husbands, doctors, and pastors to make their own responsible decisions concerning the personal and moral questions surrounding the issue of abortion.” The Book of Resolutions of the United Methodist Church 129 (The United Methodist Publishing House 2004).
All such general rules and any subsequent amendments thereto shall be placed in the Book of Resolutions and shall be binding on all Members, except where expressly provided otherwise in such rule.
It is not helpful to speak of diseases in inflammatory terms like “punishment for sin.” The Gospel challenges us to respond with compassion that seeks to enable the physical and spiritual wholeness God intends in the lives of all persons affected by Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).The Book of Resolutions, United Methodist Church In order to respect human dignity and maintain a compassionate University community, a Kansas Wesleyan University Policy Statement on AIDS has been developed.