Examples of Bounded rationality in a sentence
Bounded rationality refers to the degree of difficulty in forming transactional contracts because of the limitations of managers’ knowledge and perceptions.
Bounded rationality restricts possible moves and decisions (Simon, 1972), and managers tend to pragmatically draw on cognitive frames to make sense of their environment to justify decisions and initiatives (Nadkarni & Barr, 2008).
Nature, Scope, objectives and application; Investment Decision Cycle: Judgment under uncertainty; Mental Accounting; Cognitive information perception; Peculiarities(biases) of quantitative and numerical information perception; Representativeness; Anchoring; Exponential Discounting; Hyperbolic Discounting; Bounded rationality in real market conditions.
Given that consumers have limited time, attention, 5 Bounded rationality refers to models of decision making that take the cognitive constraints of the decision maker, e.g., present biased preferences, into account.
Bounded rationality suggests that decision makers will make decisions based on incomplete information and knowledge and are influenced by their own value and belief system, shaped by both dispositional and situational environments (Simon 1957; Williamson 1975).Opportunism asserts that decision-makers will seek to maximise outcomes based on their own self-interest.
Bounded rationality is accepting the limits of the human ability to process information comprehensively (Williamson, 1988b).
Bounded rationality and the search for organizational architecture: An evolutionary perspective on the design of organizations and their evolvability.
Bounded rationality refers to the problems of access to information that is of sufficient quality and quantity to guide decision-making and managerial action as well as the manager’s limited capability to process complex information bundles (Verbeke 2009).
Teacher expectations and differential treatment of whole classes in middle school science: Bounded rationality [Paper presentation].
Bounded rationality may be linked to the access and availability of required local market information for making new product planning decisions whereas bounded reliability refers to the subsidiary manager’s alignment of self- interest and initiative in sharing and contributing knowledge linked to local product marketing and sales opportunities as influenced by centralized or decentralized decision-making.