Examples of Brazilian Banks in a sentence
The initiative is sponsored and organized jointly by (i) industry associations, namely the Brazilian Association for Financial and Capital Markets (ANBIMA) and the Brazilian Banks Federation (FEBRABAN), (ii) government agencies, such as the Brazilian Central Bank and the National Treasury, and (iii) market operators, i.e., the Securities, Commodities and Futures Exchange (BM&FBOVESPA) and the OTC clearing house (Cetip S.A.).
Source: IF Data, available at https://www3.bcb.gov.br/ifdata/ Figure F.4: Return Over Assets Brazilian Banks Other Countries Notes: Return Over Assets Defined as Net Income divided by Total Assets.
In compliance with CMN Resolution nº 4,327, dated 04.25.2014 and the SARB Regulation n.14, dated 08.28.2014 (Self – regulation of Brazilian Banks Federation - Febraban), the environmental responsibility policy permeates activities related to the risk management.The Bank adopts a risk management structure that aims to identify, classify, assess, monitor, mitigate and control the environmental risk.
Some 52 private international banks – including a growing number of developing country banks such as Ned Bank in South Africa and four of the largest Brazilian Banks – also commit under the Equator Principles to apply, for project finance and project finance advisory services for transactions of $10 million and above, World Bank/IFC PPAH and IFC industry sectoral environmental and health guidelines.
Although BNDES can be considered in an outstanding position when compared with its competitors (other Brazilian Banks, Development Banks and Multilateral Agencies), as respected and well-known brand with a young and well educated labor force, there are, inter alia, some quite important challenges which could be faced in the near future:.
Most importantly, four companies are huge Brazilian Banks, and one is an Automaker, which demonstrates the industry dynamics and complexity to specialized companies.The core operation of a Consortium is relatively simple.
This Standard is related to the fundamental principles established by the Code of Ethical Conduct.The preparation of this document observes the Principles of Relevance, Proportionality and Efficiency, according to the terms set forth by the National Monetary Council Resolution No. 4327/2014 and by the Banking Self-Regulation System (SARB) of the Brazilian Banks Federation, No. 14/2014.
Required Principal Payments on all Term Debt, excluding Short-Term Loans from the Brazilian Banks to Finance Export Accounts Receivable from Borrower's Brazilian Subsidiary R.
The questionnaires were sent to banks which were associated to Brazilian Banks Federation (FEBRABAN), American Banks Association (ABA), Uruguayan Banks Association (ABU), Argentinean Banks Association (ABA), and Chilean Financial Institutions Association (ABIF).
This is quite common under financing contracts related to Brazilian Banks such as BNDES and Banco do Brasil, in which the financing agent will have to authorize the sale of the secured vessel by the owner.