Examples of Broadband Serviceable Location in a sentence
The NOFO states: “After submission of its Initial Proposal and before allocating BEAD funds received for the deployment of broadband networks to subgrantees, an Eligible Entity must conduct a challenge process.” This is distinct from the process by which the Federal Communications Commission accepts challenges to the data underlying the Broadband Serviceable Location Fabric, the basis for the FCC’s broadband availability maps.
In the Third Broadband Data Collection Report and Order, the Commission adopted “as the fundamental definition of a ‘location’ for purposes of the [Broadband Serviceable Location] Fabric: a business or residential location in the United States at which fixed broadband Internet access service is, or can be, installed.” See Establishing the Digital Opportunity Data Collection; Modernizing the FCC Form 477 Data Program, WC Docket Nos.
Broadband Data Task Force, Broadband Serviceable Location Fabric Bulk Challenge Process Webinar, YouTube (Sept.
However, as the Commission is well aware, small providers have limited staff and resources such that new reporting requirements should be carefully balanced so as to provide necessary information without becoming overly burdensome.43USTelecom has proposed a methodology to the FCC to provide additional granularity called the Broadband Serviceable Location Fabric (BSLF).
To this end, we charac- terize the world of artifacts as being made up of three essential classes: entities which repre- sent the tangible objects themselves, relations which represent how the entities relate to one another, and events which change the state of entities or relations.
Allowable Challenges ScopeChallenge ClassChallenge TypeDetailAllowableLocation Eligibility Determination• Availability (A) • Speed (S) • Latency (L) • Business Service Only (B) • Data Cap (D) • Technology (T)NTIA will permit challenges to the classification of a location as an unserved or underserved location eligible for BEAD funds (i.e., challenges to the broadband service availability data) for existing BSLs included in the FCC’s Broadband Serviceable Location Fabric (Fabric).
We seek comment on the best option for accomplishing our goal of making public challenge data available.F. Broadband Serviceable Location Database167.
The office then displays the locations using the FCC’s Broadband Serviceable Location Fabric.
Unserved LocationA Broadband Serviceable Location without access tobroadband internet speeds of at least 25 Mbps download and 3 Mbps upload.
The Broadband Serviceable Location Fabric established under 47 U.S.C. 642(b)(1)(B).(12) FCC Form 477.