Examples of Brownfield site in a sentence
Projects that include the demolition of Blighted building(s) or the remediation and reuse of a Brownfield site are eligible for points under this criterion.
The definition of a Brownfield site is one where the EPA, Georgia EPD or other environmental regulatory agency has defined the site as a Brownfield site and has determined the applicable guidelines for the cleanup required for residential uses.
Two (2) points will be awarded if the proposed development is the redevelopment of a Brownfield site.
Brownfield site identifying informationEnter the following information as listed on the Certificate of Completion (COC) issued by the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) for the qualified site (see instructions).
Schedule A – Brownfield site identifyinginformationAll taxpayers must submit a copy of the COC.Complete the brownfield site identifying information relating to the qualified site from the COC issued by the DEC.