Examples of Buffer averaging in a sentence
Constructed in accordance with the standards for drinking water wells established by the New Hampshire water well board in We 100-1000.
Buffer averaging is only allowed in those limited instances when adherence to the standard buffer is infeasible or presents a substantial hardship because of site conditions, lot configuration or other circumstances.
Buffer averaging shall be limited to 75% of the required width, and in no case shall be less than 75 feet for Category I and II, 50 feet for Category III, and 25 feet for Category IV wetlands.
Buffer averaging to improve wetland protection may be permitted when all of the following conditions are met: 1.
Buffer averaging shall be considered and shown infeasible before administrative buffer reductions may be authorized.
Buffer averaging: The Administrator may allow averaging of the standard fifty-(50)- foot aquatic habitat conservation area buffer in accordance with an approved critical area report on a case-by-case basis, when necessary to accommodate a single- family residential development or a water-dependent or water-related use or development.
Buffer averaging shall not be allowed if FWHCA buffers are reduced pursuant to subsection (6) of this section.
Buffer averaging: The Administrator may allow averaging of the standard wetland buffer widths in Table 4.2-1 in accordance with an approved critical area report on a case-by-case basis, when necessary to accommodate a single-family residential development.
Buffer averaging will not result in a buffer width being reduced by more than 25 percent of the required buffer as set forth in Table 20.80.330B and in no case may the buffer be less than the stated minimum width.
Buffer averaging can be used only when necessary, provided that the minimum buffer width is equal to or greater than one-half the average required buffer width.