Busy Day definition
Examples of Busy Day in a sentence
We have other glimpses of special days in the ministry, as the Busy Day of the blasphemous accusation and the parables (Matt.
The proposed Airport Master Plan now projects a total of 590 Busy Day operations by the year 2020 and 684 Busy Day operations by the year 2030, an actual increase of 235 additional Busy Day operations over what occurred in 2009.
Room for Improvement ▯ Lower than average Footfall: The footfall figures in Potton on both the Busy Day and the Quiet Day are noticeably lower than the National and Regional averages.
The 2003 Airport Master Plan forecast a total of 868 Busy Day operations by the year 2020.
On the Busy Day Nationally, 98 persons per ten minutes wererecorded which is more than double the Potton figure of 47.
In 2022, we are presenting Igglepiggle’s Busy Day a theatre tour of ItNGL.
Because they are! Back To Our Busy Day On The Farm• Up & outside• Weather & markets• Organized & working• Cell phone rings– “Hi, I’m with and we have damning evidence of animal abuse on your farm.
Exacerbating that misuse, even the DNL calculation method used was inappropriate and inconsistent with standard procedure.There are two DNL types, one uses all 365 days as an average (called Average Annual Day or AAD) and the other is based on just the days of flying (Average Busy Day or ABD).Which of those two well-established standards is used therefore depends on airport use.
Additionally, calculations are based on a 260-day per year flying schedule for F–15C, F–16A, and F–22A (Average Busy Day) and on a 365-day per year flying schedule for NASA, transient, and Aero Club aircraft.
Figure 1.2 – Infrastructure Busy Day Peak Hour Schedule Demands Gatwick Terminal and Airfield FacilitiesUsing the busy day schedules to assess demand, we have identified the capacity and service impacts for the North Terminal, South Terminal and the Airfield for which intervention will be required (Figure 1.3).