Busy hour means the two consecutive half hours during which the greatest volume of traffic is handled in the office.
Busy hour means the clock hour of the average day of the busy season during which the greatest volume of traffic is han- dled in the central office.
Busy hour means the two consecutive half-hours each day during which the greatest volume of traffic is handled.
More Definitions of Busy hour
Busy hour means the continuous one-hour period lying wholly in a given time interval for which the traffic is highest;
Busy hour means the hour when a telecommunication switching system carries the greatest volume of traffic. The busy hour is typically the busiest hour of the busiest day of a normal week.
Busy hour means the continuous one-hour period of the day during which volume of traffic is greater than during any other continuous one-hour period of the same day.
Busy hour means the [ hour of each month in which a telecommunications system carries the most traffic sliding 60-minute period during which the maximum total traffic load in a given 24-hour period occurs ].
Busy hour means the hour of the day during which a telephone system carries the most traffic.