Examples of CA 2006 in a sentence
The directors may call general meetings and, on the requisition of members pursuant to the provisions of CA 2006, shall forthwith proceed to convene a general meeting in accordance with CA 2006.
The consideration offered to shareholders whose shares are compulsorily acquired under the CA 2006 must, in general, be the same as the consideration available under the takeover offer.
Section 983 of the CA 2006 permits a minority shareholder to require an offeror to acquire its shares if the offeror has acquired or contracted to acquire shares in a company which amount to not less than 90% in value of all the voting shares in the company and carry not less than 90%, of the voting rights.
Subject to CA 2006, a company which is a member may, by resolution of its directors or other governing body, authorise one or more persons to act as its representative or representatives at a meeting of the company (corporate representative).
Every person who by operation of law, transfer or other means becomes entitled to any share shall be bound by any notice in respect of that share (other than a notice issued by authority of Article 6 or section 794 of the CA 2006) which, before his name and address are entered in the Register, has been duly sent to the person from whom he derives his title.