California Rules of Court definition
Examples of California Rules of Court in a sentence
Pursuant to California Rules of Court, rule 3.1312(a), and Code of Civil Procedure section 1019.5, subdivision (a), no further written order is necessary.
The referee shall be appointed to sit as a temporary judge, with all of the powers for a temporary judge, as authorized by law, and upon selection should take and subscribe to the oath of office as provided for in Rule 244 of the California Rules of Court (or any subsequently enacted Rule).
Contractor shall comply with all applicable privacy and data security laws, and other laws (including the California Rules of Court) and regulations relating to the protection, collection, use, and distribution of JBE Data, as well as privacy and data security requirements and standards set forth in the JBE’s policies or procedures.
In accordance with California Rules of Court, rule 10.75(k)(1), written comments pertaining to any agenda item of a regularly noticed open meeting can be submitted up to one complete business day before the meeting.
The California Constitution, the State Bar Act and California Rules of Court vest in the State Bar the duty to regulate the legal profession, formulate and elevate educational and professional standards, raise the quality of legal services, advance the science of jurisprudence, and aid in the improvement of the administration of justice.
It is the policy of the courts to manage all cases in accordance with the Standards of Judicial Administration, Appendix to the California Rules of Court.
Contractor shall comply with all applicable privacy and data security laws, and other laws (including the California Rules of Court) and regulations relating to the protection, collection, use, and distribution of JBE data, which includes, but may not be limited to Confidential Information, as well as privacy and data security requirements and standards set forth in the JBE’s policies or procedures.
The California Rules of Court may be found on-line at
Submission of additional briefing, pursuant to California Rules of Court, rule 8.520, is deferred pending further order of the court.Votes: Cantil-Sakauye, C.
The investigation or complaint committee may recommend one or more actions that are permissible under rule 3.870 of the California Rules of Court.