Cap Level definition
Examples of Cap Level in a sentence
Se il Prezzo di Regolamento Finale del sottostante di riferimento alla Data di Valutazione è uguale o superiore al Livello Cap e non avviene alcun evento Knock-out, il payout sarà uguale al Valore Nominale moltiplicato per la percentuale Cap Level.
If the Settlement Price of the Underlying Reference on the Valuation Date is less than the Cap Level and no Knock-out Event occurs, the Payout will equal the Notional Amount multiplied by the greater of (i) the Bonus Level Percentage and (ii) the Settlement Price on the Valuation Date divided by the Strike Price, all divided by the Exchange Rate.
If the Final Fixing Levels of all Underlyings trade at or above the Cap Level, redemption will be 100% of Denomination.Additionally, the Coupon(s) will be paid out according to Coupon Payment Date(s).
If the Settlement Price of the Underlying Reference on the Valuation Date is equal to or greater than the Cap Level and no Knock-out event occurs, the Payout will equal the Notional Amount multiplied by the Cap Level Percentage, all divided by the Exchange Rate.
Furthermore, in the case of Range Accrual Warrants with Cap Level, the cash amount to be paid upon exercise may not exceed the Cap Level.