Examples of Action level in a sentence
No contaminants for which there are FDA Action level exceeded any such level in either the clam or the worm tissues.
Exceedance of an FDA Action level results in a conclusion that the placement of the dredged material would result in significant adverse effects.
Compliance with these regulations is mandatory and is necessary to protect the employees of the contractor and Naval personnel from exposure to asbestos fibers in excess of the OSHA Action level airborne concentration (currently 0.1 f/cc of air).
Action level means a concentration designated in 29 CFR part 1910 for a specific substance, calculated as an eight (8)-hour time-weighted average, which initiates certain required activities such as exposure monitoring and medical surveillance.
In cases where exceedances of Action level occur, since Action Level is based on receiving documented complaints, ECP for Complaints Handling (Table 2.5) should be implemented.