Capacity Resource Interconnection Service definition
Examples of Capacity Resource Interconnection Service in a sentence
Termination or Default of this Agreement for any reason by the Developer shall not constitute a waiver of the Developer’s legal rights to obtain Capacity Resource Interconnection Service and Energy Resource Interconnection Service from the NYISO and Connecting Transmission Owner in accordance with the provisions of the NYISO OATT.
System Deliverability Upgrades – The least costly configuration of commercially available components of electrical equipment that can be used, consistent with Good Utility Practice and Applicable Reliability Requirements, to make the modifications or additions to the existing New York State Transmission System that are required for the proposed project to connect reliably to the system in a manner that meets the NYISO Deliverability Interconnection Standard for Capacity Resource Interconnection Service.
Termination or Default of this Agreement for any reason by the Developer shall not constitute a waiver of the Developer’s legal rights to obtain Capacity Resource Interconnection Service and Energy Resource Interconnection Service from the NYISO and Connecting Transmission Owner in accordance with the provisions of the ISO OATT.
NYISO will provide Energy Resource Interconnection Service and Capacity Resource Interconnection Service to Developer at the Point of Interconnection.
Capacity Resource Interconnection Service (“XXXX”) shall mean the service provided by NYISO to Developers that satisfy the NYISO Deliverability Interconnection Standard or that are otherwise eligible to receive XXXX in accordance with Attachment S to the ISO OATT; such service being one of the eligibility requirements for participation as a NYISO Installed Capacity Supplier.
NYISO or Connecting Transmission Owner may reduce Energy Resource Interconnection Service and Capacity Resource Interconnection Service or disconnect the Large Generating Facility or the Developer Attachment Facilities, when such reduction or disconnection is necessary under Good Utility Practice due to an Emergency State.
Capacity Resource Interconnection Service (“CRIS”) shall mean the service provided by the ISO to Developers that satisfy the NYISO Deliverability Interconnection Standard or that are otherwise eligible to receive CRIS in accordance with Attachment S to the ISO OATT; such service being one of the eligibility requirements for participation as an ISO Installed Capacity Supplier.
NYISO or Connecting Transmission Owner may reduce Energy Resource Interconnection Service and Capacity Resource Interconnection Service or disconnect the Large Generating Facility or the Developer’s Attachment Facilities, when such reduction or disconnection is necessary under Good Utility Practice due to an Emergency State.
Termination or Default of this Agreement for any reason by the Transmission Developer shall not constitute a waiver of the Transmission Developer’s legal rights to obtain Capacity Resource Interconnection Service and Energy Resource Interconnection Service from the NYISO and Connecting Transmission Owner in accordance with the provisions of the ISO OATT.
Capacity Resource Interconnection Service (“XXXX”) shall mean the service provided by NYISO to interconnect the Developer’s Large Generating Facility to the New York State Transmission System in accordance with the NYISO Deliverability Interconnection Standard, to enable the New York State Transmission System to deliver electric capacity from the Large Generating Facility, pursuant to the terms of the NYISO OATT.