Capacity Value definition
Examples of Capacity Value in a sentence
Under Alternative 3, compensation for capacity will be calculated based on a Customer-generator’s Capacity Value and Capacity Price, as follows.
Long Term Program Capacity Value - the product of the Zonal Resource Credits for the facilities, as determined by Mid-Continent Independent System Operator (MISO), and 75% of the applicable MISO published Cost of New Entry for the resource zone in the lower peninsula of Michigan, adjusted annually.
Short Term Program Energy and Capacity Value - the monthly kWh production of the Solar Program multiplied by the fixed rate of $0.075/kWh. Solar Energy Credit - the monthly bill credit provided to the enrolled customer based on enrollment level, program solar energy production and the value of the energy credit and capacity credit described below.
Non-subscribing Customers will not be subject to PPA costs, administrative costs, or any cost associated with this program, except for the crediting of Energy Value and Capacity Value, as applicable.
CREDITS The bill credit amount shall be determined by the Company (subject to regulatory review) consistent with applicable Oregon and federal law and regulation, including 18 C.F.R. § 292, using the Company’s IRP methodology to determine the Capacity Value.