Examples of CO2 equivalent in a sentence
CO2 equivalent (CO2e) is a term used for describing the difference GHGs in a common unit.
By establishing sites and protocols for measuring the impact of management practices on both yield and emissions (CO2 equivalent), this funding opportunity aims to bridge the technology gap between feedstock producers and existing market incentives that can de-risk sustainable management practices and defray the cost of monitoring their impact.
The CO2 equivalent of your system is shown on the model plate.• The operator undertakes to have maintenance, repair, service, recovery and recycling work carried out by certified personnel who have been authorized by JULABO.• All such work must be documented.
It also contains requirements for operators of systems which require / contain these substances to function.Under Regulation 517/2014, the operator of a system of this nature has the following duties:• The operator must ensure that the equipment is checked at regular intervals for leaks.• These intervals depend on the CO2 equivalent of the system.
The value of the 310 million tonnes CO2 equivalent net removals as a sum of the targets for Member States set out in Annex IIa may be subject to a technical correction due to a change of methodology by Member States.
GHG emissions reduced as a direct result of reduction initiatives, in metric tons of CO2 equivalent.
For mixtures, the components of the mixture and their relative proportions (metric, ODP, CO2- equivalent tonnes) are also calculated.
We recommend: • Add a greenhouse gas emission trigger that recognises any development that produces over 100,000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year (including downstream emissions) as a matter of national environmental significance.
CO2 equivalent emission factors are calculated for CO2, CH4, and N2O individually, then summed to calculate a total CO2e emission factor.
The Licensee must ensure that all equipment to be utilised in the Works that contains fluorinated greenhouse gases in quantities of 5 tonnes of CO2 equivalent or more and not contained in foams must ensure that the equipment is checked for leaks in accordance with Annex 4 of the Regulations.