Carbon reduction costs definition

Carbon reduction costs means any cost or expense incurred,
Carbon reduction costs means any cost or expense incurred, or to be incurred, by an electrical company in connection with the retirement of an eligible coal plant. Carbon reduction costs may be incurred by an electrical company prior to, and may be incurred by an electrical company from and after, the date of retirement of an eligible coal plant. Carbon reduction costs may include costs and expenses incurred or to be incurred in connection with following:

Examples of Carbon reduction costs in a sentence

  • Now, however, since the actual price differential ([DELETED] per square foot) between the offers is significantly (more than [DELETED] times) greater, if the award decision were to be based on this revised price difference, price under the SFO’s evaluation scheme could reasonably become more important and change the award decision.

  • Carbon reduction costs may be 11 incurred by an electrical company prior to, and may be incurred by an 12 electrical company from and after, the date of retirement of an 13 eligible coal plant.

  • Carbon reduction costs may be 9 incurred by an electrical company prior to, and may be incurred by an 10 electrical company from and after, the date of retirement of an 11 eligible coal plant.

Related to Carbon reduction costs

  • Production Costs means those costs and expenditures incurred in carrying out Production Operations as classified and defined in Section 2 of the Accounting Procedure and allowed to be recovered in terms of Section 3 thereof.

  • Collection Costs means an amount that the Municipality can charge with regard to the enforcement of a consumer’s monetary obligations;

  • Relocation Costs means costs incurred in the relocation of the furniture, fixtures, equip- ment, machinery and supplies, including, but not limited to, the cost of dismantling and reassembling equipment and the cost of floor preparation necessary for the reassembly of the equipment. Relocation costs include only such costs that are incurred during the ninety-day period immediately following the commencement of the relocation to an eli- gible premises. Relocation costs do not include costs for structural or capital improve- ments or items purchased in connection with the relocation.

  • Construction Costs means land costs, all costs paid to construct and complete the Improvements, as specified on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof.

  • Transition Costs means the reasonable costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees but excluding overhead) incurred or payable by the Successor Servicer in connection with the transfer of servicing (whether due to termination, resignation or otherwise), including allowable compensation of employees and overhead costs incurred or payable in connection with the transfer of the Receivable Files or any amendment to the Sale and Servicing Agreement required in connection with the transfer of servicing.

  • Termination Costs means all documented Direct Costs and Indirect Costs incurred by Transmission Owner in connection with the performance of the Services (i) prior to the effective date of termination, including such costs incurred for materials, equipment, tools, construction equipment and machinery, engineering and other items, materials, assets or services that cannot reasonably be avoided, mitigated or cancelled, (ii) to unwind any work undertaken prior to or after the effective date of termination to the extent reasonably necessary to return the Projects to a configuration or condition in compliance with Good Utility Practice and applicable Law, and (iii) arising from cancellation costs relating to orders or contracts entered into in connection with the performance of Services by Transmission Owner prior to the effective date of the termination.

  • Distribution Costs means all costs of:

  • Remediation Costs means the cost of any action taken to reduce the concentration of contaminants on, in or under the Eligible Property to permit a record of site condition to be filed in the Environmental Site Registry under section 168.4 of the Environmental Protection Act and the cost of complying with any certificate of property use issued under section 168.6 of the Environmental Protection Act, as further specified in the CIP.

  • Exploration Costs means costs incurred in identifying areas that may warrant examination and in examining specific areas that are considered to have prospects that may contain oil and gas reserves, including costs of drilling exploratory wells and exploratory type stratigraphic test wells. Exploration costs may be incurred both before acquiring the related property and after acquiring the property. Exploration costs, which include applicable operating costs of support equipment and facilities and other costs of exploration activities, are:

  • Start-Up Costs means all fees, costs, and expenses incurred in connection with establishing the State Mitigation Trust and the Indian Tribe Mitigation Trust and setting them up for operation. Start-up costs shall not include the cost of premiums for insurance policies.

  • Project Costs means all allowable costs, as set forth in the applicable Federal cost principles, incurred by a recipient and the value of the contribu- tions made by third parties in accom- plishing the objectives of the award during the project period.

  • Direct Costs means the sum of the following:

  • Total Project Costs means the total amount of money required to complete the Project.

  • Acquisition Costs means all fees, costs, expenses, stamp, registration or transfer Taxes incurred by the Group in connection with the Acquisition.

  • FOR Destination costs means the cost of equipment and material at the consignee’s stores. The cost is exclusive of Excise duty, Sales Tax and other Local Taxes, but is inclusive of packing, forwarding and insurance and freight charges.

  • Excess Costs means the additional costs, if any, which shall be

  • Restoration Cost has the meaning set forth in Section 5.06.

  • Administrative Costs means all costs and expenses associated with providing notice of the Settlement to the Settlement Class and administering and carrying out the terms of the Settlement.

  • Construction Cost means and includes the cost of the entire construction of the Project, including all supervision, materials, supplies, labor, tools, equipment, transportation and/or other facilities furnished, used or consumed, without deduction on account of penalties, liquidated damages or other amounts withheld from payment to the contractor or contractors, but such cost shall not include the Consulting Engineer/Architect's fee, or other payments to the Consulting Engineer/Architect and shall not include cost of land or Rights-of-Way and Easement acquisition.

  • Incremental Operating Costs means the incremental expenses incurred by the Recipient’s implementing agencies on account of Project implementation, management, and monitoring, including office space rental, utilities, and supplies, bank charges, communications, advertising, vehicle operation, maintenance, and insurance, building and equipment maintenance costs, travel and supervision costs, and salaries of supporting staff, but excluding salaries of officials of the Recipient’s civil service.

  • Allocable Costs means costs allocable to a particular cost objective if the goods or services involved are chargeable or assignable to such cost objective in accordance with relative benefits received or other equitable relationship. Costs allocable to a specific Program may not be shifted to other Programs in order to meet deficiencies caused by overruns or other fund considerations, to avoid restrictions imposed by law or by the terms of this Agreement, or for other reasons of convenience.

  • Maintenance Costs means parts and materials, sublet and labour costs of a qualified licensed mechanic for the maintenance of the Revenue Service Vehicles, but shall not include costs associated with interior and exterior transit advertising signs and non-mechanical servicing of Revenue Service Vehicles such as fuelling, clearing fareboxes, cleaning and painting wheel rims, vehicle washing and other work performed by a serviceman; and,

  • Transaction Costs means the costs incurred or estimated by the Management Company to cover the costs (such as, but not restricted to, brokerage, Trustee charges, taxes or levies on transactions, etc.) related to the investing or disinvesting activity of the Trust’s portfolio, inter alia, necessitated by creation or cancellation of Units, which costs may be added to the NAV for determining the Offer Price of Units or to be deducted from the NAV in determining the Redemption Price.

  • Litigation Costs means all reasonable costs, charges, expenses, including attorneys', accountants' and expert witnesses' fees, and obligations paid or incurred in connection with investigating, defending (including affirmative defenses and counterclaims), obtaining or attempting to obtain a settlement, being a witness in, or participating in or preparing to defend, be a witness in, or participate in, any Proceeding and any appeal therefrom and the cost of appeal, attachment and similar bonds.

  • Annual Transmission Costs means the total annual cost of the Transmission System for purposes of Network Integration Transmission Service shall be the amount specified in Attachment H for each Zone until amended by the applicable Transmission Owner or modified by the Commission. Applicable Laws and Regulations:

  • Operating Costs means the incremental expenses incurred by the Recipient on account of Project implementation, management, and monitoring, including for office space rental, utilities, and supplies, bank charges, communications, vehicle operation, maintenance, and insurance, building and equipment maintenance, advertising expenses, travel and supervision, salaries of contractual and temporary staff, but excluding salaries, fees, honoraria, and bonuses of members of the Recipient’s civil service.