Eligible Project Costs definition

Eligible Project Costs means such portion of the Project costs disbursed and loaned from the OPWC to the Recipient for the sole and express purpose of acquiring, constructing, reconstructing, expanding, improving, engineering and equipping the Project, other direct expenses, and related financing costs thereto.
Eligible Project Costs means the amount to pay for acquisitions and services necessary and allocable to the installation and operation of one or more EVCSs in the State of California as allowed by the Energy Commission, specifically:
Eligible Project Costs means amounts in the Project Budget, substantially all of which are paid by or for the account of the Borrower in connection with the Project, all of which shall arise from the following:

Examples of Eligible Project Costs in a sentence

  • Provide a list showing all project costs incurred during the quarter covered by the report by the Grantee and each contractor working on the project and which of these costs are Eligible Project Costs.

  • Quarterly invoices will accompany the Quarterly Progress Reports and should be submitted to the DWR Grant Manager for review to receive reimbursement of Eligible Project Costs.

  • Any and all money disbursed to the Grantee under this Grant Agreement shall be deposited in a non-interest- bearing account and shall be used solely to pay Eligible Project Costs.

  • Notwithstanding the foregoing, the amount of the TIF Indebtedness that the CDA agrees to service and repay with the Tax Increment shall not exceed the amount of the Eligible Project Costs certified pursuant to Section 4.03.

  • The Subrecipient shall apply funds received from the GSA only to Eligible Project Costs in accordance with applicable provisions of the law, the DWR Grant Agreement, and Exhibit B, “Budget.” Eligible Project Costs include the reasonable costs of project management activities, studies, engineering, design, land and easement acquisition, and associated legal fees, preparation of environmental documentation, environmental mitigations, monitoring, and project construction.

More Definitions of Eligible Project Costs

Eligible Project Costs means all those costs of the Project permitted by the Act to be funded by a loan from the Fund and which have been approved by the Director.
Eligible Project Costs means amounts in the Project Budget, substantially all of which are paid by or for the account of the Borrower in connection with the Project, including prior Project expenditures for the three (3)-year period preceding the date of the Application, all of which shall arise from the following:
Eligible Project Costs means amounts in the Project Budget approved by the WIFIA Lender, which are paid by or for the account of the Borrower in connection with the Project (including, as applicable, Project expenditures incurred prior to the receipt of WIFIA credit assistance), which shall arise from the following:
Eligible Project Costs means Lever- age Costs plus those costs funded di- rectly by a CMF award, exclusive of Operations;
Eligible Project Costs means only costs or expenses incurred by Redeveloper for Public Improvements that are eligible for reimbursement under the Act.
Eligible Project Costs. Those portions of Project Costs that are eligible for funding as “Project Costs” as defined in the Applicable Regulations.
Eligible Project Costs means, whether incurred before or after the date of this Loan Agreement, such portion of the Costs as is disbursed by the Authority for the benefit of the Local Borrower. The Local Borrower and the Authority acknowledge that the actual Eligible Project Costs for the Project have not been determined as of the effective date of this Loan Agreement. The final Eligible Project Costs shall be established after all disbursements have been made.