Examples of CareTech Shareholders in a sentence
The following CareTech Shareholders have given an irrevocable undertaking to vote (or procure the voting) in favour of the CareTech Resolutions to be proposed at the CareTech General Meeting in relation to the following CareTech Shares, in which they or their family members and connected persons are beneficially interested, representing, in aggregate, approximately 27.4 per cent.
To ensure proper use, the District may monitor its technological resources at any time without advance notice or consent.
Scheme becoming Effective Once the necessary approvals from Cambian and CareTech Shareholders have been obtained and the other Conditions have been satisfied or (where applicable) waived and the Scheme has been approved by the Court, the Scheme will become effective upon delivery of the Court Order to the Registrar of Companies.
CareTech is required to prepare and send the CareTech Prospectus to CareTech Shareholders and, also, to Cambian Shareholders.
Accordingly, CareTech will be required to seek the approval of the CareTech Shareholders at the CareTech General Meeting for the Transaction.
The Board of CareTech believes that the Transaction has a compelling strategic and financial rationale for Cambian Shareholders and CareTech Shareholders: • Unique opportunity for investors to enhance exposure to the growing UK market for social care services for children and adults: Following Completion, the Enlarged Group will be the second largest UK social care operator by revenue and the only one with a UK listing.
If, on or after the date of the Announcement, any dividend or other distribution is declared, made or paid, or becomes payable by CareTech, Bidco shall have the right to reduce the consideration payable under the terms of the Acquisition by the aggregate amount of such dividend or other distribution, in which case the relevant eligible CareTech Shareholders will be entitled to receive and retain any such dividend or other distribution.
CareTech urges CareTech Shareholders to read the CareTech Prospectus when it becomes available because it will contain important information in relation to the Transaction, the New CareTech Shares, Admission and the Enlarged Group.
Cambian will prepare the Scheme Document to be distributed to Cambian Shareholders and CareTech will prepare the CareTech Prospectus to be distributed to CareTech Shareholders and Cambian Shareholders.