Cash” match definition

Cash” match means funds that are in the recipient’s possession or proposed by match partner and clearly identified in a support letter, and are reserved for the proposed project, meaning that they have not been committed for use or pledged as match for any other project. Cash match can include funding awards earned or received from other agencies for the proposed technologies or study (but not for the identical work). Proof that the funds exist as cash is required. Cash match will be considered more favorably than in-kind contributions during the scoring phase.
Cash” match means funds that are locally contributed for a cultural trust grant project. Matching funds shall be provided by the eligible applicant and shall not include any portion of another department of cultural affairs, Iowa arts council, or state historical society of Iowa grant.
Cash” match means cash contributed to the total eligible project cost. Real estate owned by the applicant or community development organization may be used as cash if the property in question was not purchased or developed by BRC funds and the value of the real estate is supported by an appraisal. Engineering and design work completed within six months of the date a project application is received by the Wyoming Business Council may be counted as cash match.

More Definitions of Cash” match

Cash” match means funds to match the state share of a grant that are under the sole control of a public body.
Cash” match means moneys used to match the state share of a grant.
Cash” match means or refers to the money that the applicant organization will provide toward the project. This money can be from a number of sources, examples include: general operations, donation, or a fundraiser. Cash match would not include the salary of a full-time staff member already working for the applicant organization. Matching funds must be expended after the grant contract is signed.
Cash” match means the amount of actual cash provided by a recipient as part of the recipient’s share of a project.
Cash” match means funds used to match the state share of a grant.
Cash” match means that term as defined in 13 CFR Parts 130, 143, 145 and 146 and OMB Circulars A-21, A-87, A-102, A-110, A-122 and A-133, as applicable and as
Cash” match means a cash contribution to an applicant’s project.