Cashback definition
Examples of Cashback in a sentence
Shareholder Applicants will be entitled to receive a Cashback Amount equal to the Final Instalment at the time the CitiFirst Instalment MINI is issued.
Alternatively, a Cashback Amount will be paid to Rollover Applicants where the Final Instalment on the new series of CitiFirst Instalment MINIs (the new Loan) is greater than the Final Payment on the Rollover Instalments.
Rollover Applicants may use any Cashback Amount to pay their Rollover Citi Fee.
To the extent that the Cashback Amount is insufficient to pay that Service Fee and the Rollover Citi Fee in full, you will be required to make a further cash payment to Citi for that shortfall.
If you authorise the payment of a Service Fee in connection with a Rollover Application and a Cashback Amount is payable, that Service Fee will be paid from the Cashback Amount.