Category 1 quantity of radioactive material definition

Category 1 quantity of radioactive material means a quantity of radioactive material meeting or exceeding the category 1 threshold in Table 1 of Rule 0400-20-13-.08. This is determined by calculating the ratio of the total activity of each radionuclide to the category 1 threshold for that radionuclide and adding the ratios together. If the sum is equal to or exceeds 1, the quantity would be considered a category 1 quantity. Category 1 quantities of radioactive material do not include the radioactive material contained in any fuel assembly, subassembly, fuel rod, or fuel pellet.
Category 1 quantity of radioactive material means a quantity of radioactive material meeting or exceeding the cate- gory 1 threshold in ch. DHS 157 Appendix U.
Category 1 quantity of radioactive material means a quan- tity of radioactive material meeting or exceeding the Category 1 threshold in Table 1 of WAC 246-237-900 Appendix A: Table 1—Category

Examples of Category 1 quantity of radioactive material in a sentence

  • DHS 157.03 (36m) "Background investigation" means the investigation conducted by a licensee or applicant for a license to support the determination of trustworthiness and reliability.DHS 157.03 (56g) "Category 1 quantity of radioactive material" means a quantity of radioactive material meeting or exceeding the category 1 threshold in Appendix U of this chapter.

  • DHS 157.03 (56g) "Category 1 quantity of radioactive material" means a quantity of radioactive material meeting or exceeding the category 1 threshold in Appendix U of this chapter.

  • Category 1 quantity of radioactive material - A quantity of radioactive material meeting or exceeding the category 1 threshold in Table 1 of Appendix A to this Section.

  • The shipping licensee shall notify the designated LLEA along the shipment route as soon as possible upon discovery of any actual or attempted theft of diversion of a shipment or suspicious activities related to the theft or diversion of a shipment of a Category 1 quantity of radioactive material.

  • Category 1 quantity of radioactive material is tThe quantity of radioactive material meeting or exceeding the category 1 threshold in Table 1 of Appendix 24-A in 180 NAC 24.

More Definitions of Category 1 quantity of radioactive material

Category 1 quantity of radioactive material means a quantity of radioactive material meeting or
Category 1 quantity of radioactive material means a quantity of radioactive material meeting or exceeding the category 1 threshold in Appendix U of this chapter.
Category 1 quantity of radioactive material means a quantity of radioactive material meeting or exceeding the category 1 threshold in Table 1 of Appendix A. This is determined by calculating the ratio of the total activity of each radionuclide to the category 1 threshold for that radionuclide and adding the ratios together. If the sum is equal to or exceeds 1, the quantity would be considered a

Related to Category 1 quantity of radioactive material

  • Radioactive Products or Waste means any radioactive material produced in, or any material made radioactive by exposure to the radiation incidental to the production or utilization of nuclear fuel, but does not include radioisotopes which have reached the final stage of fabrication so as to be usable for any scientific, medical, agricultural, commercial or industrial purpose.

  • MSAA Indicator Technical Specifications document means, as the context requires, either or both of the document entitled “Multi-Sector Service Accountability Agreement (MSAA) 2019-20 Indicator Technical Specifications November 5, 2018 Version 1.3” and the document entitled “Multi-Sector Service Accountability Agreement (MSAA) 2019-20 Target and Corridor-Setting Guidelines” as they may be amended or replaced from time to time;

  • Criteria pollutant means a pollut- ant for which the Administrator has promulgated a national ambient air quality standard pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 7409 (i.e., ozone, lead, sulfur dioxide, particulate matter, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide).