Examples of Catered in a sentence
Coordinated with various government agencies, private entities, other Task Groups created in response to the prevailing crisis, Regional Task Units, and Local Government Agencies to facilitate the safe return of the ROFs back to their home provinces.b. Catered the medical and social needs of Returning Overseas Filipinos (ROFs).c.
Coordinated with various government agencies, private entities, other Task Groups created in response to the prevailing crisis, Regional Task Units, and Local Government Agencies to facilitate the safe return of the ROFs back to their home provinces.b. Catered the medical and social needs of Returning Oversease Filipinos (ROFs).c.
Development Options Study The Review Team was looking to see if the Development Options Study: • Catered for landowner concerns and aspirations and if• All options presented for the resource development had a realistic chance of being pursued.
Meals will be served in a Full Catered Hostel at the times posted in the Hostel.
Revenue from Nonprogram Foods Commendations/Comments/Technical Assistance (TA)/Compliance Reminders Nonprogram foods include: Adult Meals, A la Carte, Extra Entrees, Extra Milk (for cold lunch or milk break), Vended Meals (meals sold to other agencies), Catered Meals, and Food Service operated Vending Machines. All costs associated with nonprogram foods, including food, labor, equipment, and purchased services must be covered by revenues received from the sale of those foods.
Revenue from Nonprogram Foods Commendations/Comments/Technical Assistance/Compliance Reminders• Nonprogram foods include: Adult Meals, A la Carte, Extra Entrees, Extra Milk (for cold lunch or milk break), Vended Meals (meals sold to other agencies), Catered Meals, and Food Service operated Vending Machines.• All nonprogram food costs including food, labor, equipment, and purchased services must be covered by revenues received from the sale of those foods.
Revenue from Non-program Foods Commendations/Comments/Technical Assistance (TA)/Compliance Reminders Non-program foods include: Adult Meals, A la Carte, Extra Entrees, Extra Milk (for cold lunch or milk break), Vended Meals (meals sold to other agencies), Catered Meals, and Food Service operated Vending Machines. All costs associated with non-program foods, including food, labor, equipment, and purchased services must be covered by revenues received from the sale of those foods.
Period of Residence The Period of Residence is for the period set out in stage 3 of the Online Application Process, which includes the Christmas and Easter vacation periods (and if so specified in stage 3 of the Online Application Process the summer vacation), but if the Room is located within a Catered Residence, the Period of Residence is for academic terms and the Freshers’ week only and does not include the Christmas, Easter or summer vacation periods.
If the deficiency involves potentially hazardous food, notify the Department immediately and submit a copy of the completed Catered Meal Service Deficiency Report (Attachment 10) to the Department within twenty-four hours.
If the Institution or Facility submits a Catered Meal Order Change Form (Attachment 11), confirm the requested changes with a return fax or email to the Institution or Facility within twenty-four hours of receipt of the Catered Meal Order Change Form.