Walked definition

Walked means when an Attendee with a confirmed reservation is denied a room for any reason.
Walked means when an Attendee with a confirmed reservation is denied a room for any reason. Judicial Council of California, Administrative Office of the Courts Standard Agreement No. @Agreement Number with @Contractor Name
Walked means when an Attendee with a confirmed reservation is denied a room for any reason. [Optional provision to be used & modified appropriately when search firm is applicable – added 3/28/06:] @Commissionable For this Agreement only, the Contractor shall pay a commission to the following Seach Firm: @Venture2 Hospitality Services, LLC, contact name: X’Xxxx Xxxxxxxx. The Contractor shall pay the Search Firm a commission at the rate of ten percent (10%) of the sleeping room rate(s) for all rooms actually used, in accordance with the Pick Up Report, and paid for under this Agreement, exclusive of any taxes, surcharges, and /or tourism fees. The Contractor shall pay the commission to the Search Firm no later than thirty (30) Days after the State has paid the Master Account in full. The Contractor shall not be obligated to pay (i) a commission to any other Third Party search firm, nor (ii) a commission on food, beverage, and /or meeting rooms charges incurred under this Agreement. [At prompts, modify where appropriate:] The Contractor shall provide sleeping rooms to the Attendees at the following rate@s during the Program: [Modify the following to include the appropriate rate information:] For @single @double occupancy room, $@@@.@@ per night per room. [Ask each hotel if the hotel transit occupancy tax waiver is applicable. If applicable, modify and include the following and provide signed waiver electronically to contract specialist to be an attachment in Exhibit H, modified on 10/1/02 and 3/28/06:] @The Contractor agrees that it will waive all applicable taxes and surcharges for Attendees @listed on the @Master Account Approval List, pursuant to the Hotel/Motel Transient Occupancy Tax Waiver (Exemption Certificate for State Agencies) form signed by the AOC and included in this Agreement in Exhibit H. @The Contractor, in its sole discretion, may charge applicable taxes and/or surcharges @and/or tourism fees for rooms occupied by Attendees that are not listed on the @Master Account Approval List. [If hotel transit occupancy tax is not waived for this hotel or if San Francisco Tourism Improvement District tourism charge is applicable (as of 1/1/09), then, as applicable, modify and include the following:] @The Contractor may bill @tax @and/or surcharges, @and/or tourism fees, @if any, @in addition to @as included in the sleeping room rate@s, as set forth in this provision. [If applicable, modify and include the following paragraph and ensure the contract expiration ...

Examples of Walked in a sentence

  • The Contractor shall make every effort to ensure that no Attendee is Walked.

  • The Contractor shall also assume financial responsibility for the cost necessary for the Walked Attendee to make up to two (2) telephone calls in order to advise work, family, and/or a friend of the unexpected change in accommodations.

  • Charges for transportation associated with the Contractor’s use of its vehicles, provided upon the written request of the Judicial Council, to transport Conference Attendee(s), but exclusive of transportation expenses pertaining to Walked Attendee(s).

More Definitions of Walked

Walked means when an Attendee with a confirmed reservation is denied a room for any reason. The Contractor shall provide sleeping rooms to the Attendees at the following rate@s during the Program: For @single @double occupancy room, $@@@.@@ per night per room. @The Contractor agrees that it will waive all applicable taxes and surcharges for Attendees @listed on the @Master Account Approval List, pursuant to the Hotel/Motel Transient Occupancy Tax Waiver (Exemption Certificate for State Agencies) form signed by the AOC and included in this Agreement in Exhibit H. @The Contractor, in its sole discretion, may charge applicable taxes and/or surcharges @and/or tourism fees for rooms occupied by Attendees that are not listed on the @Master Account Approval List. @The Contractor may bill @tax @and/or surcharges, @and/or tourism fees, @if any, @in addition to @as included in the sleeping room rate@s, as set forth in this provision. @The Contractor shall extend the sleeping room rate@s to Attendees @two (@2) Days before the Program and @two (@2) Days after the Program based on availability.
Walked means when an Attendee with a confirmed reservation is denied a room for any reason. The Contractor shall provide sleeping rooms to the Attendees at the following rate@s during the Program: For @single @double occupancy room, $@@@.@@ per night per room. The Contractor agrees that it will waive all applicable taxes and surcharges for Attendees that make reservations under the group room block , pursuant to the Hotel/Motel Transient Occupancy Tax Waiver (Exemption Certificate for State Agencies) form signed by the AOC and included in this Agreement in Exhibit H. @The Contractor may bill @tax @and/or surcharges, @and/or tourism fees, @if any, @in addition to @as included in the sleeping room rate@s, as set forth in this provision. @The Contractor shall extend the sleeping room rate@s to Attendees @two (@2) Days before the Program and @two (@2) Days after the Program based on availability.
Walked means when an Attendee with a confirmed reservation is denied a room for any reason. The Contractor shall provide sleeping rooms to the Attendees at the following rate during the Program: For single/double occupancy room, $@@@.@@ per night per room. The Contractor agrees that it will waive all applicable taxes and surcharges for Attendees listed on the Master Account Approval List, pursuant to the Hotel/Motel Transient Occupancy Tax Waiver (Exemption Certificate for State Agencies) form signed by the Judicial Council and included in this Agreement in Exhibit H. The Contractor may bill surcharges, and tourism fees, in addition to as included in the sleeping room rates, as set forth in this provision. The Contractor shall extend the sleeping room rate to Attendees two (2) Days before the Program and two (2) Days after the Program based on availability.
Walked means when an Attendee with a confirmed reservation is denied a room for any reason.Deleted: Judicial Council of California, Administrative Office of the Courts¶Standard Agreement No. @Agreement Number with @Contractor Name¶
Walked means when an Attendee with a confirmed reservation is denied a room for any reason. The Contractor shall provide sleeping rooms to the Attendees at the following rate during the Program: For single/double occupancy room, $TBD per night per room. The Contractor agrees that it will waive all applicable taxes and surcharges for Attendees listed on the Master Account Approval List, pursuant to the Hotel/Motel Transient Occupancy Tax Waiver (Exemption Certificate for State Agencies) form signed by the AOC and included in this Agreement in Exhibit H. The Contractor may bill surcharges, and/or tourism fees, if any, in addition to as included in the sleeping room rate, as set forth in this provision. The Contractor shall extend the sleeping room rate to Attendees two (2) Days before the Program and two (2) Days after the Program based on availability.
Walked means when an Attendee with a confirmed reservation is denied a room for any reason. The Contractor shall provide sleeping rooms to the Attendees at the following rate@s during the Program: For @single @double occupancy room, $@@@.@@ per night per room. @The Contractor agrees that it will waive all applicable taxes and surcharges for Attendees @listed on the @Master Account Approval List, pursuant to the Hotel/Motel Transient Occupancy Tax Waiver (Exemption Certificate for State Agencies) form signed by the AOC and included in this Agreement in Exhibit H. @The Contractor, in its sole discretion, may charge applicable taxes and/or surcharges @and/or tourism fees for rooms occupied by Attendees that are not listed on the @Master Account Approval List. @The Contractor may bill @tax @and/or surcharges, @if any, @in addition to @as included in the sleeping room rate@s, as set forth in this provision. The Contractor shall extend the sleeping room rate to Attendees two (2) Days before the Program and two (2) Days after the Program based on availability.

Related to Walked

  • Seaplane means an aircraft that is capable of landing and taking off on the water.