Examples of Activated in a sentence
Permittees with metals monitoring requirements shall complete and submit the Indiana MRO Form (State Form 10829 MRO for the Activated Sludge Type WWTP – expanded version) to report their influent and/or effluent data for metals and other toxics.
EC₅₀, 96 hours: 18260 mg/l, Daphnia magna REACH dossier information.EC₅₀, 96 hours: ~ 22000 mg/l, Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata REACH dossier information.IC₅₀, 3 hours: >1000 mg/l, Activated sludge REACH dossier information.Persistence and degradability There are no data on the degradability of this product.
Pressure Activated Deployment: Once the piston is fully retracted the float will enter the Pressure Activation phase.
Substance did not cause acute toxicity to the freshwater invertebrates EC₅₀, 48 hours: >1000 mg/l, Daphnia magnaEC₅₀, > 72 hours: 1000 mg/l, Freshwater algaeSubstance did not cause acute toxicity to the freshwater green algae EC₅₀, >: 100 mg/l, Activated sludge NOEC, 28 days: 0.131 mg/l, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) NOEC, 28 days: 0.23 mg/l, Daphnia magnaPersistence and degradability There are no data on the degradability of this product.
Pressure Activated Deployment: In the case of a Pressure Activated Deployment, the operator is necessarily absent when the float begins the Mission Prelude.