Examples of Catholic Board in a sentence
We further certify, we are hereby releasing the MHCBE Out of School Care School Program, School Administration, and the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education and their sub-agents from all claims and demands whatsoever, occurring as a result of damage incurred to the child by reason of activities outside of the authority extended by the MHCBE Out of School Care School Program in the conduct of this project.
The successful proposal shall be deemed to be the proponent best able to meet the needs of The Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education.
It shall be the bidder’s responsibility to familiarize itself with all aspects of the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education requirements.All inquiries related to this RFP shall be directed in writing to: Ms. Terri BallCoordinator of Early Childhood Services Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education 1251 – 1 Avenue SWMedicine Hat, Alberta T1A 8B4 Email: terri.ball@mhcbe.ab.ca Information obtained from any other source is not official and may be inaccurate.
STEO, the Upper Canada District School Board and the Catholic Board of Eastern Ontario cover an area in excess of 12,000 square kilometres.
Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education shall be an additional insured on the vendor’s insurance policy.
The name of the West Catholic Board shall be the Grand Rapids West Catholic High School Board of Directors, hereafter referred to as the “Board”.
There shall be no such deductions in the case of a teacher who has informed the Metro Catholic Board of Trustees that the teacher has alternative comparable coverage.
The Metro Catholic Board of Trustees shall be responsible for the administration of such Plan including informing in writing the Board, through the Superintendent of Human Resources, of the amount of such premium deductions expressed as a percentage of gross salary, and any adjustments in such percentage and the names of any teachers from whom such deductions are not to be made.
In [172], the authors used a simplex-based genetic algorithm to solve linear-quadraticminxu∈XU ,xl∈XLsubject toF (xu, xl)bilevel problems after reducing it to a single level task.
The Catholic Board Council in consultation with diocesan and parish representatives prepared a Mass template for each school to follow that included songs and readings.