Cellegy Information definition

Cellegy Information means the technical and clinical information concerning the Licensed Product that is developed by Cellegy or licensed in by Cellegy (with the right to grant sublicense rights to Licensee), and that is included in the new drug application filed with the FDA, and Cellegy's European common technical document format, and which may include, without limitation, data in support of registered indications, bioequivalency data and information, clinical data, pharmaco-toxicological data, analytical methods, stability and pharmaceutical data concerning the Licensed Product, Know How, and any other related supporting documentation in the possession of Cellegy from time to time relating to such package.
Cellegy Information means the technical and clinical information concerning the Licensed Product that is developed by Cellegy and that is included in the new drug application filed with the Relevant Regulatory Authority in Sweden, and Cellegy’s European common technical document format, and which may include, without limitation, data in support of indications, bioequivalency data and information, clinical data, pharmaco-toxicological data, analytical methods, stability and pharmaceutical data concerning the Licensed Product, and any other related supporting documentation or other information or materials in Cellegy’s possession from time to time that Cellegy may in its discretion from time to time develop before the date that all required Approvals are obtained and that may be necessary for, or useful in connection with obtaining and maintaining Approvals for the Licensed Product in the Territory.
Cellegy Information means the technical and clinical information concerning the Licensed Product that is developed by Cellegy and that is included in the new drug application filed with the Relevant Regulatory Authority in the United Kingdom, and Cellegy’s European common technical document format, and which may include, without limitation, data in support of indications, bioequivalency data and information, clinical data, pharmaco-toxicological data, analytical methods, stability and pharmaceutical data concerning the Licensed Product, and any other of Cellegy’s related supporting documentation or other information or materials of Cellegy in Cellegy’s possession from time to time that Cellegy may in its discretion from time to time develop before the date that all required Approvals are obtained and that may be necessary for, or useful in connection with obtaining and maintaining Approvals for the Licensed Product in the Territory.

Examples of Cellegy Information in a sentence

  • For purposes of this Agreement, all such information and data which a party is obligated to retain in confidence shall be called “Confidential Information.” For the avoidance of doubt, Cellegy Information shall constitute Confidential Information of Cellegy.

  • Approvals in the Territory, including allowing Licensee reasonable access to relevant experts in relation to the Cellegy Information for the purpose of obtaining Approvals.

  • Cellegy hereby acknowledges that, except as may otherwise be required by law, Licensee has no obligation to verify the Cellegy Information.

  • Cellegy will use all Commercially Reasonable and Diligent Efforts to ensure that Cellegy will not alter the Cellegy Information supplied to Licensee or the materials or processes described in that information in relation to any of the Licensed Product without the prior written notification to Licensee.

  • If alteration by Cellegy of the Cellegy Information after the date of this Agreement requires additional time to submit or revise regulatory filings relating to Approvals, then the time periods set forth above for making filings and obtaining Approvals shall be extended by the additional period of time required to submit or revise such filings.

Related to Cellegy Information

  • Company Information As defined in Section 4(a)(i).

  • Customer Confidential Information means any information or compilation of information, not generally known, which is provided to the Employer by its customers or potential customers, is proprietary to the customer or potential customer and relates to the customer’s or potential customer’s existing or reasonably foreseeable business. Information provided to the Employer by a customer or potential customer shall be treated as Customer Confidential Information.

  • Confidential Materials means all tangible materials containing Confidential Information, including without limitation written or printed documents and computer disks or tapes, whether machine or user readable.

  • Third Party Information means confidential or proprietary information subject to a duty on the Company’s and its affiliates’ part to maintain the confidentiality of such information and to use it only for certain limited purposes.

  • Supplier's Confidential Information means any information, however it is conveyed, that relates to the business, affairs, developments, trade secrets, Know-How, personnel and suppliers of the Supplier, including IPRs, together with information derived from the above, and any other information clearly designated as being confidential (whether or not it is marked as "confidential") or which ought reasonably to be considered to be confidential;

  • Business Confidential Information has the meaning set forth in Section 5.04(a).

  • Directory information means information contained in an education record of a student which would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. It includes, but is not limited to: the student’s name, address, telephone listing, electronic mail address, photograph, date and place of birth, major field of study, dates of attendance, grade level, enrollment status (i.e., full-time or part-time), participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, degrees, honors and awards received, and the most recent educational agency or institution attended. It also includes the name, address, and telephone number of the student’s parent(s). Directory information does not include:

  • Confidential Information has the meaning set forth in Section 6.1.

  • Customer's Confidential Information means all Personal Data and any information, however it is conveyed, that relates to the business, affairs, developments, trade secrets, know-how, personnel, and suppliers of the Customer, including all IPRs, together with all information derived from any of the above, and any other information clearly designated as being confidential (whether or not it is marked "confidential") or which ought reasonably be considered to be confidential;

  • Seller Confidential Information has the meaning set forth in Section 6.4.3.

  • Authority's Confidential Information means all Personal Data and any information, however it is conveyed, that relates to the business, affairs, developments, trade secrets, know-how, personnel, and suppliers of the Authority, including all IPRs, together with all information derived from any of the above, and any other information clearly designated as being confidential (whether or not it is marked "confidential") or which ought reasonably be considered to be confidential;

  • Proprietary and Confidential Information means trade secrets, confidential knowledge, data or any other proprietary or confidential information of the Company or any of its affiliates, or of any customers, members, employees or directors of any of such entities, but shall not include any information that (i) was publicly known and made generally available in the public domain prior to the time of disclosure to Executive by the Company or (ii) becomes publicly known and made generally available after disclosure to Executive by the Company other than as a result of a disclosure by Executive in violation of this Agreement. By way of illustration but not limitation, “Proprietary and Confidential Information” includes: (i) trade secrets, documents, memoranda, reports, files, correspondence, lists and other written and graphic records affecting or relating to any such entity’s business; (ii) confidential marketing information including without limitation marketing strategies, customer and client names and requirements, services, prices, margins and costs; (iii) confidential financial information; (iv) personnel information (including without limitation employee compensation); and (v) other confidential business information.

  • Confidential System Information means any communication or record (whether oral, written, electronically stored or transmitted, or in any other form) provided to or made available to Grantee; or that Grantee may create, receive, maintain, use, disclose or have access to on behalf of HHSC or through performance of the Project, which is not designated as Confidential Information in a Data Use Agreement.

  • Company Confidential Information means information (including any and all combinations of individual items of information) that the Company has or will develop, acquire, create, compile, discover or own, that has value in or to the Company’s business which is not generally known and which the Company wishes to maintain as confidential. Company Confidential Information includes both information disclosed by the Company to me, and information developed or learned by me during the course of my employment with the Company. Company Confidential Information also includes all information of which the unauthorized disclosure could be detrimental to the interests of the Company, whether or not such information is identified as Company Confidential Information. By example, and without limitation, Company Confidential Information includes any and all non-public information that relates to the actual or anticipated business and/or products, research or development of the Company, or to the Company’s technical data, trade secrets, or know-how, including, but not limited to, research, product plans, or other information regarding the Company’s products or services and markets therefor, customer lists and customers (including, but not limited to, customers of the Company on which I called or with which I may become acquainted during the term of my employment), software, developments, inventions, discoveries, ideas, processes, formulas, technology, designs, drawings, engineering, hardware configuration information, marketing, finances, and other business information disclosed by the Company either directly or indirectly in writing, orally or by drawings or inspection of premises, parts, equipment, or other Company property. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Company Confidential Information shall not include any such information which I can establish (i) was publicly known or made generally available prior to the time of disclosure by the Company to me; (ii) becomes publicly known or made generally available after disclosure by the Company to me through no wrongful action or omission by me; or (iii) is in my rightful possession, without confidentiality obligations, at the time of disclosure by the Company as shown by my then-contemporaneous written records; provided that any combination of individual items of information shall not be deemed to be within any of the foregoing exceptions merely because one or more of the individual items are within such exception, unless the combination as a whole is within such exception. I understand that nothing in this Agreement is intended to limit employees’ rights to discuss the terms, wages, and working conditions of their employment, as protected by applicable law.

  • Program Information is defined in Section 13.8(a)(i).

  • State Confidential Information means any and all State Records not subject to disclosure under CORA. State Confidential Information shall include, but is not limited to, PII, PHI, PCI, Tax Information, CJI, and State personnel records not subject to disclosure under CORA. State Confidential Information shall not include information or data concerning individuals that is not deemed confidential but nevertheless belongs to the State, which has been communicated, furnished, or disclosed by the State to Contractor which (i) is subject to disclosure pursuant to CORA; (ii) is already known to Contractor without restrictions at the time of its disclosure to Contractor; (iii) is or subsequently becomes publicly available without breach of any obligation owed by Contractor to the State; (iv) is disclosed to Contractor, without confidentiality obligations, by a third party who has the right to disclose such information; or (v) was independently developed without reliance on any State Confidential Information.

  • Proprietary Information shall have the same meaning as Confidential Information.

  • Purchaser Confidential Information means all confidential or proprietary documents and information concerning the Purchaser or any of its Representatives; provided, however, that Purchaser Confidential Information shall not include any information which, (i) at the time of disclosure by the Company, the Seller Representative or any of their respective Representatives, is generally available publicly and was not disclosed in breach of this Agreement or (ii) at the time of the disclosure by the Purchaser or its Representatives to the Company, the Seller Representative or any of their respective Representatives, was previously known by such receiving party without violation of Law or any confidentiality obligation by the Person receiving such Purchaser Confidential Information. For the avoidance of doubt, from and after the Closing, Purchaser Confidential Information will include the confidential or proprietary information of the Target Companies.

  • Trade Secret Information means all information, regardless of the form or medium in which it is or was created, stored, reflected or preserved, that is not commonly known by or generally available to the public and that: (i) derives or creates economic value, actual or potential, from not being generally known to, and not being readily ascertainable by proper means by, other persons who can obtain economic value from its disclosure or use; and (ii) is the subject of efforts that are reasonable under the circumstances to maintain its secrecy. The Company’s Trade Secret Information may include, but is not limited to, all confidential information relating to or reflecting the Company’s research and development plans and activities; compilations of data; product plans; sales, marketing and business plans and strategies; pricing, price lists, pricing methodologies and profit margins; current and planned incentive, recognition and rewards programs and services; personnel; inventions, concepts, ideas, designs and formulae; current, past and prospective customer lists; current, past and anticipated customer needs, preferences and requirements; market studies; computer software and programs (including object code and source code); and computer and database technologies, systems, structures and architectures. You understand that Confidential Information and/or Trade Secret Information may or may not be labeled as such, and you shall treat all information that appears to be Confidential Information and/or Trade Secret Information as confidential unless otherwise informed or authorized by the Company. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to mean that Company owns any intellectual property or ideas that were conceived by you before you commenced employment with Company and which you have previously disclosed to the Company. Subject to Section 4.3(b), nothing in this Section 4.3(a) shall prevent you from complying with a valid legal requirement (whether by oral questions, interrogatories, requests for information or documents, subpoena, civil investigative demand or similar process) to disclose any Confidential Information or Trade Secret Information.

  • Buyer Confidential Information shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5.1.

  • Fund Confidential Information means Confidential Information for which the Fund is the Disclosing Party.

  • Contractor's Confidential Information means any information, however it is conveyed, that relates to the business affairs, developments, trade secrets, know-how, Contractor’s Personnel and suppliers of the Contractor, including IPRs, together with all information derived from the above, and any other information clearly designated as being confidential (whether or not it is marked as "confidential") or which ought reasonably to be considered to be confidential, including the Commercially Sensitive Information.

  • Confidential Material means all information, in any form or medium, known or used by City or an Affiliate of the City which is not known to the general public, including, but not limited to, the know-how, trade secrets, strategic plans, technical information, product information, supplier information, customer information, financial information, marketing information and information as to business opportunities, methods and strategies and research and development of the City and its Affiliates. If and to the extent any Confidential Material is included in any report, assessment, diagram, memorandum or other document or copied or reproduced in any other form or medium, such report, assessment, diagram, memorandum, document or Confidential Material in such other form or medium will be deemed to be Confidential Material.

  • Product Information has the meaning specified in Section 10.12(a).

  • Proprietary Information and Technology means any and all of the following: works of authorship, computer programs, source code and executable code, whether embodied in software, firmware or otherwise, assemblers, applets, compilers, user interfaces, application programming interfaces, protocols, architectures, documentation, annotations, comments, designs, files, records, schematics, test methodologies, test vectors, emulation and simulation tools and reports, hardware development tools, models, tooling, prototypes, breadboards and other devices, data, data structures, databases, data compilations and collections, inventions (whether or not patentable), invention disclosures, discoveries, improvements, technology, proprietary and confidential ideas and information, know-how and information maintained as trade secrets, tools, concepts, techniques, methods, processes, formulae, patterns, algorithms and specifications, customer lists and supplier lists and any and all instantiations or embodiments of the foregoing or any Intellectual Property Rights in any form and embodied in any media.

  • Technical Information means technical data or computer software, as those terms are defined in the clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, Rights in Technical Data-Noncommercial Items, regardless of whether or not the clause is incorporated in this solicitation or contract. Examples of technical information include research and engineering data, engineering drawings, and associated lists, specifications, standards, process sheets, manuals, technical reports, technical orders, catalog-item identifications, data sets, studies and analyses and related information, and computer software executable code and source code.