Central European Time definition

Central European Time or "CET" means Central European Time and shall include Central European Winter Time and Central European Summer Time as applicable;
Central European Time means Central European Summer Time during the summer-time period as defined in Articles 1, 2 and 3 of Directive 2000/84/EC;
Central European Time means central European summer time during the summer-time period as defined in Articles 1, 2 and 3 of Directive 2000/84/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (2).

Examples of Central European Time in a sentence

  • All applications must be received in good order by the Registrar Agent prior to 2.00 p.m. (Central European Time) on the Business Day preceding the relevant Valuation Day.

  • References to time or periods of time are determined in reference to Central European Time.

  • All redemption requests must be received in good order by the Registrar Agent prior to 2.00 p.m. (Central European Time) on the Business Day preceding the relevant Valuation Day.

  • Subscriptions during the Initial Offering Period of Shares The Initial Offering Period for the British Pound- denominated Class “K-Institutional” Shares – Distribution was between 21 September 2020 and 30 October 2020 2.00 p.m. (Central European Time) at the Initial Subscription Price of GBP 20.

  • To this effect, a record date shall be set on the fourteenth (14th) calendar day at midnight Central European Time preceding the date of the second Meeting.

More Definitions of Central European Time

Central European Time or "CET" means GMT + 2 hours during the summer-time period and GMT + 1 hour during the rest of the year and for these purposes the "summer-time period" shall be as defined in the Eighth Directive (97/44/EC) and Directive 2000/84/EC and any succeeding EC legislation on summer-time arrangements;
Central European Time or "CET" means GMT + 2 hours during the summer-time period and GMT + 1 hour during the rest of the year and for these purposes the "summer-time period" shall be as defined in the Eighth Directive (97/44/EC) and Directive 2000/84/EC and any succeeding EC legislation on summer-time arrangements; „Czas Środkowoeuropejski” lub “CET” oznacza czas uniwersalny (GMT) + 2 godziny w okresie czasu letniego oraz czas uniwersalny (GMT) + 1 godzina przez pozostały okres roku, przy czym termin „okres czasu letniego” posiada znaczenie nadane mu w Ósmej Dyrektywie (97/44/WE) i Dyrektywie 2000/84/WE oraz wszelkich zastępujących te dyrektywy przepisach UE w sprawie ustaleń dotyczących czasu letniego;
Central European Time or ”CET” means GMT + 2 hours during the summer-time period and GMT + 1 hour during the rest of the year and for these purposes the ”summer-time period” shall be as defined in the Eighth Direc- tive (97/44/EC) and Directive 2000/84/EC and any succeeding EC legislation on summer-time arrangements;
Central European Time means the standard time adopted by Western European countries one hour ahead of Greenwich Mean Time.
Central European Time or "CET" means Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) + 2 hours during daylight saving time and GMT + 1 hour during the rest of the year, whereby
Central European Time or "CET" means Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) + 2 hours during daylight saving time and GMT + 1 hour during the rest of the year, whereby daylight saving time shall be understood within the meaning of the 8th Directive (97/44/EC), Directive 2000/84/EC and any subsequent legal act regarding daylight saving time;
Central European Time or “CET” means Centra! European Time and shall include Central European Winter Time and Central European Summer Time, as applicable. „Středoevropský Sas* netto „SEC* znamená středoevropský čas a zahrnuje středoevropský zimní čas a středoevropský letní čas, dle relevance. "CER* means a unit Issued pursuant to Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol and the decisions adopted pursuant to the UNFCCC or the Kyoto Protocol, in each case as amended from time to time, which on the Delivery Date (or Delayed Delivery Date as the case may be): A. pursuant to the Directive, may to exchanged by an Operator for an EUA (valid In the Validity Period) on a one-for-one basis, or used to comply with a requirement to surrender allowances in the Validity Period on an equivalent one-to-one basis as an EUA; and B. has not previously been surrendered or otherwise used for compliance purposes by an Operator or an Aircraft Operator in the EU ETS. „CER" neboli "Jednotka ověřeného snížení emisí" znamená jednotku vydanou podle článku 12 Kjůtského protokolu a rozhodnutí přijatých dle UNFCCC nebo Kjdtského protokolu, v obou případech v aktuálním znění, která k Datu Dodání (nebo Datu Pozdějšího Dodání, dle relevance): A. v souladu se Směrnicí může být vyměněna Provozovatelem za EUA (platnou v Době platností) v poměru jedna k jedné, nebo může být použita za účelem splnění požadavku vyřadit povolenky v Době platnosti ve stejném poměru jedna k jedné jako EUA; a B. nebyla předtím vyřazena nebo jinak použita za účelem splnění Provozovatelem nebo Provozovatelem letadla v EU ETS.