During the Summer. Vacancy notices will be e-mailed to the Association and posted at the District office and summer school sites up to August 15. Additional notices of vacancies occurring during the summer will be e-mailed to all certificated employees who submit a written request to the Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources.
During the Summer. 1. When any vacancy occurs from the end of school through August 31, written notice of said vacancy will be sent to the President of the Association (or his designee) and to any member of the bargaining unit who provides the Superintendent’s office with self-addressed, stamped envelopes for such purpose.
During the Summer. 1. When any vacancy occurs from the end of school through August 31, written notice of said vacancy will be sent to the President of the Association (or their designee) and posted online. Such position(s) will not be filled, except on a temporary basis, until 10days after the mailing of the notice, except that the Committee may fill immediately a teaching position or a fall season coaching position that becomes vacant between August 11 and August 31.
During the Summer. Behind-the-wheel lessons must be offered during the day, evenings, and on weekends (Saturday and Sunday).
During the Summer. In-person classes must be offered during the day. Classes will meet 5 days per week for 2 hours each class (one class in the morning and one in the afternoon). Online classes must be accessible anytime. Hybrid model will not be offered
During the Summer. The Contractor(s) shall treat the inside perimeter of each space at every facility at LISD. This includes all classrooms, offices, mechanical rooms and mechanical chases. Also, this includes spraying the outside perimeter of each facility 30’ up the wall, extended 3’ from the wall for spiders, wasps, scorpions and ants (excluding fire ants). Spray a 3’ band across any impervious cover, with a 10’ spray on each side of the impervious cover. This service shall come with a six-month warranty.
During the Summer. Vendor(s) must have the capacity to provide classroom instruction (MPS Drive ONLY for in-person and hybrid) during the day and behind-the-wheel lessons during the day, evenings, and on weekends (Saturday and Sunday).