Examples of Central Queensland Coal Region in a sentence
Following the Approval Date, QR Network will consult with Access Holders, Access Seekers, their Customers, and any affected Infrastructure Service Providers, in relation to how the revenue cap adjustment provisions in this Undertaking for the Central Queensland Coal Region might be amended to provide an incentive framework that provides QR Network with an incentive to operate, and invest in, the Rail Infrastructure efficiently and to do so in a way that promotes efficiency of a coal supply chain.
If a Train Service operates in the Central Queensland Coal Region and requires access to more than one Individual Coal System (“Cross System Train Service”), the calculation of ATP will involve calculating a separate ATP for that Train Service for each Individual Coal System and then aggregating those separate amounts.
However, QR Network will not use this assessment to raise the position of any Access Seeker’s Access Application for coal carrying Train Service operating within the Central Queensland Coal Region above any other Access Application for coal carrying Train Service operating within the Central Queensland Coal Region within the queue.
QR Network must submit to the QCA, together with its submission in accordance with Clause 3.2.6, Part B of Schedule F in respect of the Year ending on 30 June 2012, an analysis comparing the movements of the MCI since the Commencing Date with the movements in its actual maintenance costs in the Central Queensland Coal Region.
The target Average Below Rail Transit Time Factor is set out below: Coal Target Average Below Rail Transit Time Factor (%) 1 This formula for ATP assumes that, for a Train Service operating in the Central Queensland Coal Region, the Train Service operates within an single Individual Coal System.
For example, when the serving line is used for distribution of bakery or other previously prepared meals, snacks and/or sinks are used for washing coffee pots, there shall be no charge.
Paragraph 3.2.1 of the Undertaking requires QR to “ develop, on an annual basis, financial statements for Below Rail Services provided by Network Access, as identified in Paragraph 3.1 (b) incorporating a statement of assets, a statement of earnings before interest and tax, and a statement of investments, and which separately identify the Central Queensland Coal Region from the rest of the network (referred to as the “Financial Statements”).
The same definition of capitalism explains Cromwell in 1652, 1789, 1848 and Stalin himself.
In the Central Queensland Coal Region, for example, coal Train services focus primarily on achieving a specified transit time over and above running to a scheduled DTP.
This will be updated prior to the QCA’s Final Decision.As discussed in Chapter 3 of Volume 2, there are a number of major terminal expansions underway in the Central Queensland Coal Region (CQCR) that will require associated rail investments.