Examples of Centre Board in a sentence
The Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Board shall be elected from the City Corporation Members.The Chairman of the Barbican Centre Board, the Chairman of the Culture, Heritage & Libraries Committee and one representative of the Centre for Young Musicians shall be permitted to attend the Board in a non-voting, advisory capacity.
Whilst no legal entity exists, the business of the Justice Centres is conducted through a separate Justice Centre Board, under a formal agreement.
The accounting records of the Centre must be kept at the office of the Centre or at such other place as the Centre Board may determine.
The study received ethical approval from the Ethics Committee of the Drug Treatment Centre Board.
The original of each set of minutes shall be permanently affixed in the minute book and confirmed at the next meeting of the Centre Board.
A meeting of the Centre Board may be held by the contemporaneous linking together by telephone or other means of communication of the Centre Board Members provided that prior notice of the meeting is given to all Centre Board Members and provided that all persons participating in the meeting are able to hear each other effectively and simultaneously.
In the event of the Chairperson of the Centre Board being unavailable, the meeting shall appoint a person from amongst its number to chair the meeting.
The Centre Board shall not undertake a Major Transaction without the approval of the Members by Special Resolution at a General Meeting.
The Centre Board may take out any appropriate insurance cover in respect of the indemnity provision in this Rule at the expense of the Centre.
Centre Regulations may be rescinded, amended, or added to from time to time but only by resolution of the Centre Board.