Examples of Centre Management in a sentence
The Implementation of the Unique Places model of Town Centre Management in the County Borough’s principal town centres is one of the actions identified to achieve this outcome.
Throughout the 1990s, the number of TCM schemes grew (catalysed by the establishment of the Association of Town Centre Management – the ATCM - in 1991), and by 1999 there were approximately 230 TCM schemes in existence6.
MANAGEMENT TEAM RBC Centre Management is a team of real estate professionals who strive to exceed service expectations and meet the needs of all our tenants and business partners.Our management team members are experts in their related fields and are here to help our tenants achieve business excellence.
The Leisure Centre Management Committees are constituted under section 102 of the Local Government Act 1972 and consequently are required to report independently of Huntingdonshire District Council by means of a separate statement of accounts.
Where the UNA or the University believe that the principles or other aspects of outlined in this Schedule “F” are not being respected, the issue will be referred to the local facility advisory committee (e.g. Aquatic Centre Management Committee, University Athletics Council).
The UNA will have a nominee on both the Aquatic Centre Management Committee and the University Athletics Council.
The pre-start process and work on site is monitored by the Centre Management Team.
For further information regarding the submission of marks by EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), please contact your Centre Management Information System (CMIS) provider.
He is a Senior Fellow and member of the Corporate Advisory Council of Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute, Fellow Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, the Hong Kong Institute of Directors, the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and Institute of Shopping Centre Management.
Global Data Centre Management (non-executive); software house in London.