Certified enrollment definition

Certified enrollment means the enrollment at schools served by school tuition organizations as of October 1, or the first Monday in October if October 1 falls on a Saturday or Sunday, of the appropriate year.
Certified enrollment means the enrollment at schools served by school tuition organizations as indicated by participation forms provided to the department each October.
Certified enrollment means the enrollment at schools served by school tuition organizations as of the third Friday of September of the appropriate year.

Examples of Certified enrollment in a sentence

  • Once the school tuition organization has registered, it is not required to subsequently register unless the schools it serves changes.d. Each school that is served by a school tuition organization shall submit a participation form annually to the department by November 1 providing the following information:(1) Certified enrollment as of October 1, or the first Monday in October if October 1 falls on a Saturday or Sunday.(2) The school tuition organization that represents the school.

  • Certified enrollment is an annual report of enrolled resident students used for the Iowa School Finance Formula calculation.

  • Certified enrollment: Dr. Berlau and Nicole McCarville pre- sented the certified enrollment data that was certified in October.

  • Certified enrollment of EVC (as distributor) and its Partners OEMs (as manufacturers) will be key to EVC and its Partner OEMs upon a Sourcewell award, as (currently) the market is heavily subsidized.

  • If an appropriate provider cannot be recruited for BWC Certification, the MCO shall assist in finding a willing provider of the appropriate specialty with appropriate credentials to render approved treatment to the injured worker and facilitate MCO approved non-BWC Certified enrollment (MEDCO 15 form) for provider.

  • Certified enrollment dropped5.9 students, but the total served dropped just 2.3 students from 698.35 to 696.05, with the main factor of the change being a smaller incoming Kindergarten class than the outgoing seniors.

  • Certified enrollment is deter- mined each October of every school year.

  • School Enrollment (Grades 6-12) Certified enrollment is the annual report of enrolled resident public school students.

  • Certified enrollment for the District showed a significant increase to 454 students: 63 students at Jackson; 192 students at Ponca Elementary; and 199 for Ponca Junior-Senior High School.

  • Certified enrollment (resident students) declined in October 2021 count date (434.6) from the previous October 2020 count date (452.5).

Related to Certified enrollment

  • Specified Entity has the meaning specified in the Schedule.

  • Dual enrollment means the enrollment of a 3- or 4-year-old student who is eligible for special education services in both a public school district, through which the student receives special education services, and a private or home school.

  • Open enrollment means, with respect to individual health insurance coverage, the period of time