Examples of Change Key in a sentence
Summary of Key Thematic Areas and Relevant World Bank Engagement on SGBVThematic Area Theory of Change Key Lessons and OpportunitiesEconomic Empowerment Urban Upgrading and Transport Sexual Violence in Conflict Post- Disaster andDisplacement Justice Sector Strengthening and ReformEconomic empowerment interventions are designed to increase the economic resources available to women in order to strengthen their agency.
The main goal of the network chamber is to promote the interests of the local companies, to support the economy and foster foreign direct investments.
This entails reformulating our mission, as well as our Theory of Change, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and targets, while it also means we will have to adapt our approach.
The level of approval for a Change Key is generally the Department/Unit Head (e.g., Chair, Dean, Supervisor, Director).
The National Water Program Strategy: Response to Climate Change Key Action Update for 2010 – 2011 reinforces the importance of reviewing NPDES permits on a five-year cycle, “The five-year permitting cycle provides permit writers with a significant amount of flexibility to adapt to changing conditions.” The five year term is more important than ever as climate change has the potential to impact water quality based effluent limitations and other permit conditions.
The AAC–C27 and DA Form 3813 (SIDPERS Input and Control Data-Personnel/Organization Change (Key Punch)), or automated transaction register for units with automated file en- try, will be used in reconciling the AAC–P01.
Because Lamar uses a three-level key system (Change Keys, Master Keys, Grand Master Keys), departments/units should specify the level of key being requested and the authorities who will need to approve that level (i.e., a Master Key will require a higher level of authorization than a Change Key).
STAP Table 1: Towards Systems Change: Key principles for achieving durability and transformational change in project or program outcomes and impacts 5.
The request should be submitted to the applicable ADO address or facsimile number identified in Article 2.a. Change Key Personnel When it is necessary to change key personnel, the AOR must submit a written request to the ADO to replace the key personnel.
NASA, Climate Change: Key Indicators, Global Land-Ocean Temperature Index, http://climate.nasa.gov/keyIndicators/#globalTemp (last visited April 7, 2011).