Program change means any elimination, curtailment or reorganization of a curriculum offering, program or school operation or a reorganization or closing of a school or consolidation of two or more individual schools or school districts that is unrelated to financial exigency.
Program change means the elimination, curtailment or reorganization of curriculum, programs or operations, or a reorganization or consolidation of two or more individual schools. A program change may or may not be related to a fiscal exigency.
Program change means any elimination, curtailment, or reorganization of a program, department, school operation, or curriculum offering, including, for example, a change in curric- ulum objectives; a modification of the master schedule; the re- structuring of an instructional delivery method; or a modifica- tion or reorganization of staffing patterns in a department, on a particular campus, or District-wide.
Examples of Program change in a sentence
In no case, however, shall revisions through the preliminary and pre-final submissions, other than revisions made necessary by an approved revised Project Scope or fundamental Program change, be considered as Additional Services.
More Definitions of Program change
Program change means any elimination, curtailment or reorganization of a curricular / instructional offering, program or school operation or a reorganization or closing of a school or a consolidation of two or more individual schools or school districts.
Program change means any elimination, curtailment or reorganization of curriculum, program or school operation, or a reorganization of curriculum, program or operation, or a reorganization or consolidation of two or more individual schools. A program change need not be caused by fiscal exigency.
Program change means any elimination, curtailment or reorganization of a curriculum offering, program or school operation or a reorganization or consolidation of two or more individual schools or school districts that is unrelated to financial exigency.
Program change means any elimination, curtailment, or re- organization of a curriculum offering, program, or College Dis- trict operation because of a lack of student response to partic- ular course offerings, legislative revisions to program funding, or a reorganization or consolidation of two or more divisions or departments.
Program change means program discontinuance, cur- tailment, modification, or redirection.
Program change means ‘‘routine program change’’ as defined in 15 CFR923.84 and ‘‘amendment’’ as defined in15 CFR 923.80, and includes the fol- lowing:
Program change any action to initiate, merge, reduce1, or eliminate an academic degree program2 or academic department/school or Library Affairs unit. In addition, changes to certificate/licensure/endorsement programs imposed by outside agencies that have significant impact on faculty workload/assignment or the status of faculty lines shall be covered by this section of the contract upon request of the majority of the affected Faculty.