Natural water definition
Examples of Natural water in a sentence
The Local Government (Paurashava) Act, 2009, the Building Construction Act 1952, the Bangladesh National Building Code, 1993, the Playfield, Open space, Park and Natural water reservoir Conservation Act, 2000, Agriculture Policy etc.
PARAMETERVALUEWater ClarityClear view of the bottomColor of WaterNo color should be observedbTotal Alkalinity (TA)80 - 150 ppmpH Valuec, d7.2 - 7.6Chlorine2 - 4 ppmBromine (in mg/l)3 - 5 ppmCalcium Hardness180- 250 ppmWhen using alternative/additional disinfectants other appropriate parameters may be considered.Consult national regulations and guidelines for any deviations.b Natural water sources may introduce water coloration.
Natural water courses are to be maintained as free-flowing and devoid of debris.
Natural water samples (1 L) were taken from each the epilimnion, the metalimnion and the hypolimnion at fixed depths (Table 2-2).
Natural water filtration The removal and disturbance of vegetation during construction will temporarily reduce the natural water filtration ability along the ROW.