Natural water definition

Natural water means bottled spring, mineral, artesian, or well water that is derived from an underground formation and may be derived from a public water system as defined in RCW ((70.119A.020)) 70A.125.010 only if that supply has a single source such as an actual spring, artesian well, or pumped well, and has not undergone any treatment that changes its original chemical makeup except ozonization or an equivalent disinfection process.
Natural water means bottled spring, mineral, artesian or well water which is derived from an underground formation and is not derived from a municipal system or public water supply.
Natural water means bottled spring, mineral, artesian, or

Examples of Natural water in a sentence

  • The Local Government (Paurashava) Act, 2009, the Building Construction Act 1952, the Bangladesh National Building Code, 1993, the Playfield, Open space, Park and Natural water reservoir Conservation Act, 2000, Agriculture Policy etc.

  • PARAMETERVALUEWater ClarityClear view of the bottomColor of WaterNo color should be observedbTotal Alkalinity (TA)80 - 150 ppmpH Valuec, d7.2 - 7.6Chlorine2 - 4 ppmBromine (in mg/l)3 - 5 ppmCalcium Hardness180- 250 ppmWhen using alternative/additional disinfectants other appropriate parameters may be considered.Consult national regulations and guidelines for any deviations.b Natural water sources may introduce water coloration.

  • Natural water courses are to be maintained as free-flowing and devoid of debris.

  • Natural water samples (1 L) were taken from each the epilimnion, the metalimnion and the hypolimnion at fixed depths (Table 2-2).

  • Natural water filtration The removal and disturbance of vegetation during construction will temporarily reduce the natural water filtration ability along the ROW.

More Definitions of Natural water

Natural water includes water contained in streams the banks of which have, from time to time, been re-aligned.
Natural water means bottled spring, artesian well, or well water which is not derived from a public system and which is unmodified by blending with water from another source or by mineral addition or deletion, except as it relates to ozonation or equivalent disinfection and filtration.
Natural water means bottled spring water, artesian well water or well water, [which] that has been obtained from any approved source other than a public water supply and [which] that has not been modified by blending with water from any other source or by the addition or deletion of any mineral other than any addition or deletion [which] that may occur as a result of ozonation, filtration or any other substantially similar disinfection process;
Natural water means the water coming out from stone sprouts, wells, rivers, streams, ponds, lakes or surface natural resources or water extracted from ground water resources, since ancient times (Sanatan).
Natural water means all forms of water, including any river, stream, dam, lake, pond, swamp, marsh, canal, whether natural or artificial or other body of water forming part of that water course.
Natural water means a river, stream, pond, channel or ditch.
Natural water means bottled spring water, mineral water, artesian water, artesian well water, or well water which is derived from an underground formation or water from surface water that only requires minimal processing, is not derived from a municipal system or public water supply, and is unmodified except for limited treatment (e.g., filtration, ozonation or equivalent disinfection process).1