Examples of Chapter 80 in a sentence
A permit may be revoked or terminated prior to its expiration date if the owner knowingly makes material misstatements in the permit application or any amendments thereto or if the permittee violates, fails, neglects or refuses to comply with the terms or conditions of the permit, any applicable requirements, or the applicable provisions of 9 VAC 5 Chapter 80 Article 1.
Chapter 80 contains the requirements for new and modified source permits, PSD and non-attainment major permits, Title V permits, and state operating permits.
A permit may be revoked or terminated prior to its expiration date if the owner knowingly makes material misstatements in the permit application or any amendments thereto or if the permittee violates, fails, neglects or refuses to comply with the terms or conditions of the permit, any applicable requirements, or the applicable provisions of 9VAC5 Chapter 80 Article 1.
Title 6 of the Alaska Administrative Code, Chapter 80 contains the statewide standards of the ACMP.
The Secretary of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) is empowered to administer the WPCRF in accordance with the requirements set forth in Title VI of the Federal Clean Water Act (CWA) as amended by the Water Quality Act of 1987, and by 29 Del C., Chapter 80, §8003.
Partial acceptance is valid subject to total acceptance.If the check reveals no faults, the service is accepted as free of faultsand the log is signed.If the check reveals non-critical faults, the service is still accepted and the log is signed.
All publications and advertising must comply with the regulations for degree (Chapter 80, Section 8004.14) and non-degree schools (Chapter 81, Section 8118).Documents required for all applicant institutions:Copy of all advertising intended to be used by the institution; andEnglish translation of any advertising in a foreign language.
The Department has separate Title V regulations (Chapter 80, Article 3) that only apply to sources subject to Federal Acid Rain permitting.
The contents of the operating plan or agreement shall meet all the requirements enumerated in 36 CFR 251.56(h)(5) and Forest Service Handbook 2709.11, Chapter 80, section 84.
This guidance is based on Article 1 (9 VAC 5-80-50 et seq.) of Part II of 9 VAC 5 Chapter 80.