Examples of Chief Commissioner of Police in a sentence
If you do not currently hold a Victorian Firearm Licence, Private Security Licence or Chief Commissioner of Police Weapon Approval you must provide proof of your identification.To prove your identity you are required to provide 100 points of identification (see list below).
Do you hold a current Victorian Firearm Licence, Private Security Licence or Chief Commissioner of Police Approval for a Prohibited Weapon?Yes Complete Licence or Approval number details Licence Number Go to Part 8.
While the Children,Youth and Families Act 2005 (Vic) alsoSCOPE OF REPORTpermits the Chief Commissioner of Police to commence proceedings as a1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11This report does not deal with the entire Victorian child protection system.
There are no particular Regulations at this time prescribing detailed procedures for making a disclosure to the Chief Commissioner of Police.
The Chief Commissioner of Police is a party to an application under section 39(2) and may make any submission to the Supreme Court in respect of the application.
The Chief Commissioner of Police must ensure that any personal information in the Register about a person to whom Division 9 of Part 3 applies cannot be accessed other than by a person authorised by the member of the police force or officer of an approved authority (within the meaning of the Witness Protection Act 1991) responsible for the day to day operation of the witness protection program.
As a condition of a Paintball Marker Licence, you must be able to store your paintball markers in a manner that is considered safe by the Chief Commissioner of Police.
The other jurisdictions followed with Acts of similar general intent, though with differences of detail.Under the Victorian Act, the Chief Commissioner of Police has authority to protect witnesses.
The plan was to be linked to the Growing Victoria Together framework.A new Chief Commissioner of Police was appointed and Victoria Police subsequently developed a 10 year plan, Victorian Policing Directions 2003- 2013, which provided a clear long-term strategic direction for the organisation.
De‐identified information is more likely to be appropriate to disclose from a privacy perspective because individuals theoretically cannot be identified.39 Notably, this power already exists in section 64A of the SOR Act, which authorises the Chief Commissioner of Police to disclose de‐identified information regarding one or more offenders on the Register.