Examples of Chief Election Commissioner in a sentence
Krishnamurthy - Mr. Krishnamurthy, former Chief Election Commissioner of India, has had a distinguished career in the Government of India, spanning over 36 years.
The packet will also con- tain one safety keychain to avoid use of hands while press- ing buttons.According to Chief Election Commissioner Sunil Arora, EC has arranged about 46 lakh masks, 6 lakh PPE kits,6.7 lakh units of faces-shields, 23 lakh (pairs of) hand gloves arranged.
Upon receipt of the declaration under clause (1), the Presiding Officer of the House shall within two days refer, and in case he fails to do so it shall be deemed that he has referred, the declaration to the Chief Election Commissioner who shall lay the declaration before the Election Commission for its decision thereon confirming the declaration or otherwise within thirty days of its receipt by the Chief Election Commissioner.
These are among the slew of measures the Election Commission is taking in view of the Covid-19 pandemic.Addressing a Press confer- ence to announce the schedule for Bihar assembly elections, Chief Election Commissioner Sunil Arora said he wants to dispel doubts that there will only be virtual campaigning in the State.
The Chief Election Commissioner is responsible for making sure the topics to be discussed at the Candidate Seminar will include but are not limited to: The Election Rules and Regulations, University Policy relating to the election, Election Schedule, Structure and functions of the Student Government Association, and the duties and responsibilities of the elected officers of the Student Government Association.Clause 6.
The Chief Election Commissioner may delegate both tasks and authority to the Deputy-Chief Election Commissioner as necessary.Clause 3.
The Chief Election Commissioner is the administrative head of the election process and must ensure that all duties of Election Commission are carried out as detailed in Article 2, Section 1 of this Election Code.Clause 2.
The Government has listed a discussion on the Parliamentary journey of the past 75 years and the passage of five Bills in the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha, which includes the controversial Bill on the appointment of the Chief Election Commissioner and other Commissioners, introduced in the Rajya Sabha during the Monsoon Session.
Should a candidate wish to amend their original filing, they need only indicate so to the Chief Election Commissioner in writing before the final ballot is released.Clause 4.
The Chief Election Commissioner is responsible for verifying each candidate meets baseline requirements set forth in this document.Clause 5.