Examples of China Huadian in a sentence
China Huadian is primarily engaged in power generation, heat production and supply, energy development of coal and other resources related to the power generation and relevant professional technical services.
The mutual provision of relevant services between China Huadian and the Group provides more efficient allocation of labour (in that the timing for the needs of the relevant services which are generally of a maintenance nature may differ).
The coal mines of the Group and China Huadian are in different localities in which the mutual provision of coal may reduce the overall cost for the procurement of coal.
Huadian Finance only provides financial services to China Huadian and its member companies in the PRC.
Considering the long-term relationship between the Group and China Huadian, the Company considers that it is beneficial to continue to enter into the Proposed Fuel, Equipments and Services Purchase (Supply) Framework Agreement with China Huadian as such transactions have facilitated the growth of the principal business and installation capacity of the Group.
The Group participates in various defined contribution retirement plans organised by municipal and provincial governments and China Huadian for its staff.
JJ advised that this is an NHS rather than WG led board, with appropriate links to service users and carers, though the board itself was not felt to be the best vehicle to engage.
Government-related entities, other than entities under China Huadian, over which the PRC government has control, joint control or significant influence are also considered as related parties of the Group (“other government-related entities”).
As far as the Directors are aware, as of the Latest Practicable Date, save for China Huadian and China Huadian Hong Kong, there were no other Shareholders who are interested or involved in the A Shares Subscription.
China Huadian, being the Controlling Shareholder of the Company, is a connected person of the Company under the Hong Kong Listing Rules.