Citizens committee definition
Examples of Citizens committee in a sentence
Reference: SRNSW: NRS 3829 [5/17187.4] f.130 1921–22 Huskisson public school exclusion and protests (south coast NSW) Aboriginal students were excluded from Huskisson Public School after complaints from the Huskisson Progress Association, and the local Parents & Citizens committee.
The City has $3,000.00 budgeted this year for an audit.• The Senior Citizens committee signed over a CD to the City of Fertile.
We await the response from the Senior Citizens' committee on the following:• Better football provision.• Exercise equipment.• Replacement of Midnight Tree Sculpture.• Turn WWI Timeline into a permanent display.• Make park more bee friendly and colourful (initial funding now established).• Ongoing playground improvements (usually funded by commuted sums).• Upgrade of Park Toilets.• Overhaul of Sensory Garden.
Estep asked if there is any thought or feeling about presenting something to the Citizens committee.
Gerald O’Hare, residing at 1335 Raphael Place, West Deptford, addressed the Township Committee noting as the President of the West Deptford Senior Citizens committee, he had attended a Gloucester County Senior Advisory Committee meeting where they asked members to contact their Townships to help with issues that impact senior citizens.
The Citizens' committee did not formulate or pursue its findings.
Discussion followed that all three members of the Senior Citizens committee do good work, that they will be directed to complete the OMA training.
VP External Affairs also mentions the Divest for Human Rights Policy was ratified by the Board of Directors, and the Milton-Parc Citizens committee and SSMU have been working towards helping the Indigeneous communities in Milton-Parc.
Councilmember Oels reported on his assistance with the annual quilt show, a park hazard tree thinning project, his court testimony as park of the Lake Davis Citizens committee, and his continued work on the FireWise Assessment with the Fire Safe Committee.