Examples of Civic group in a sentence
For example, some medical uses in Commercial group (Office, Medical) and some in Public and Civic group (Medical care facilities).
As a result, Civic group homes are staffed in a manner which supports the needs of the individual residents.
This chapter has looked at five main groups of users, the Civic group, Golf club, Homeless people, general resident, and Stormwater.
Today, the Mayors group was told current PD has 2,500 positions, while Civic group was told 2,379 current positions.
In both the Independent Civic Organization Model and the Collaborative Civic Organizations Model, different roles within the civic groups and public administration will need to beeffectively managed to develop and sustain a successful Space for Encounter: Role Description Civic group leadership - civic role This group, consisting of board members or community leaders, is responsible for overall strategy, decision-making, and resource allocation.
The Civic group showed their relation to the Wetland Lower Silvermine Wetland by elaborating the number of years they have been assisting in making sure that it is accessible.
The Hazard Mitigation Plan Update was discussed with members of the public in open meetings during Civic group talks to encourage participation in the Mitigation process and items of interest to the public.Feedback received from the public proved by way of survey’s valuable in the development of the plan.
Participants in this chapter include the Fish Hoek Council, Stormwater Department, City of Cape Town Parks and Recreation Department, Fish Hoek Law Enforcement, Solid and Waste Maintenance Department, Riverine Rovers a Civic group and a resident representative.
AFFILIATED Government Agency / Community Benefit group / Civic group / approved by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board where admission fee, advance ticket sales or commercial product is sold.
AcknowledgementsWe would like to thank the Technological University Dublin for supporting this research and the Civic group for providing the real world data used in this study.