Claimant definition

Claimant means a person who believes that he or she is being denied a benefit to which he or she is entitled hereunder.
Claimant means the holder of a Claim.
Claimant means any Settlement Class Member who files a Proof of Claim in such form and manner, and within such time, as the Court shall prescribe.

Examples of Claimant in a sentence

  • From time to time, the Trust may require the Law Firm to produce the original signature of the Claimant for a particular document, such as a release.

  • The Law Firm hereby agrees that prior to disbursing funds received from the Trust to a Claimant, it will ask the Claimant whether the Claimant is aware of any valid liens that exist relating to the subject claim.

  • The Law Firm hereby represents, and in connection with the submission of any claim shall certify, that it is authorized by the Claimant to submit a claim and that the information and materials submitted hereunder shall be submitted pursuant to and subject to the provisions of Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, including representations by the Law Firm to the Trust as set forth in Rule 11(b), as if the submissions were a paper presented to a court of the United States.

  • Prior to initiating a lawsuit or arbitration regarding a legal dispute or Claim relating in any way to this Agreement, the Claimant shall give the Defending Party a Claim Notice and a reasonable opportunity, not to exceed 14 days, to resolve the Claim onanindividualbasis.AnyClaimNoticetotheObligorsshallbesentin writingbymailtothe address for the Obligors maintained in Lender’s records.

  • However, Xxxx shall also be entitled to take legal action against the Claimant at the Claimant’s generally applicable place of jurisdiction.

More Definitions of Claimant

Claimant means a person or entity who or which submits a Claim Form to the Claims Administrator seeking to be eligible to share in the proceeds of the Settlement Fund.
Claimant. Means, the Policyholder; or the Life Insured; or the Assignee; or the nominee; or the legal heir of the Policyholder or the nominee, as the case may be.
Claimant means a person who claims the right to receive the amount of a cashier's check, teller's check, or certified check that was lost, destroyed, or stolen.
Claimant means a person or entity who or which submits a Claim to the Claims Administrator seeking to be eligible to share in the proceeds of the Net Settlement Fund.
Claimant as used in this section, means the Terminal Insured Person for whom the Accelerated Death Benefit is requested.
Claimant means the Life Assured (if alive) or Policyholder (if different from the Life Assured) or the assignee or the Nominee or the legal heirs of Policyholder/Nominee(s) to whom the Policy Benefit will be payable.
Claimant means you made a claim for benefits under the Policy for a loss covered by the Policy as a result of your Injury or Sickness.