Class load definition
Examples of Class load in a sentence
Class load of prior teaching experience substantially the same as position applied for.
Class load profiles based on load research samples must meet the standards defined in this schedule.
Class load information shall be provided to the Association by October 1st and February 15th and will be discussed at the LMC meetings following these deadlines.
Class load limits provided for in New Mexico state statutes do not apply to band or music classes or athletic electives.
Class load will be kept at a minimum within the economic ability of the District and the availability of space.
The Small Commercial Class load will be supplied by equal shares of one-year and two-year FPFR products.
Class load end-use studies are usually intended to support the estimation of end-use share, end-use intensity, and load shape (diurnal and seasonal) for the following types of building activities: (1) long-run energy and peak demand forecasts, (2) conservation and load management program assessments, (3) marketing assessments, (4) capacity planning for transmission and distribution, and (5) cost-of-service/rate design.
At Florida National University these students are limited to thirty credits in this classification, and they are not eligible for financial aid. CLASS LOAD, CREDIT HOUR AND CLOCK HOUR EQUIVALENCY Class load refers to the number of credits a student carries in a semester.
The liability of USA Funds under this Agreement shall be limited to payment of the Guarantee under Paragraph F of Article II of this Agreement and this shall constitute its sole liability under this Agreement.
For PSD and Title V purposes, GHGs are a single air pollutant defined as the aggregate group of the flowing six gases: carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6).