Claw-back means a recovery of value by the Company from a Participant in accordance with the provisions of Rule 15 (Claw-back) and Appendix 1 (Operation of Claw-back);
Claw-back means a recovery of value by the Company from a Participant in accordance with the provisions of Rule 12 (Malus and Claw-back) and Appendix 1 (Operation of Malus and Claw-back);
Claw-back means the net Total Contact Value of any Customer Contract, which is subsequently terminated by either party without the payment of the full Total Contract Value and in such case the net Total Contract Value, being the amount to be deducted from Total Contract Value for the purpose of calculating Bookings, shall be equal to the unpaid amount of the Total Contract Value, which was previously credited to Bookings with respect to such Customer Contract.
More Definitions of Claw-back
Claw-back means a contractual agreement between the Grantee and the Company, being evidenced on the acceptance of the Grant, in which case the Grantee shall relinquish any benefit that accrued to or return any benefit that is received by such Grantee to the Company (directly / indirectly) under circumstances specified at the time of Grant of Options.
Claw-back means the claw back right of the Company pursuant to clause 3.10. Committee: the Remuneration Committee of the Supervisory Board. Control: means (i) the possession, directly or indirectly, of the majority of the outstanding shares in the capital of the Company, or (ii) the ability, directly or indirectly, to vote on the majority of the outstanding shares in the capital of the Company or (iii) the ability, directly or indirectly, to appoint the majority of the members of the Executive Board and/or the Supervisory Board.
Claw-back means the claw back right of the Company pursuant to clause 3.10; Committee: the Remuneration Committee of the Supervisory Board;
Claw-back means the process by which the Company recovers PolkaDot Reward Points that were awarded prior to product returns and/or refunds issued to a Referred Member. When a product is returned to the Company’s warehouse, the awards will be “clawed back” or removed from the Member’s Account to reflect the actual balance.
Claw-back means the repayment of value by a Participant to the Company (or another Group Company) in accordance with the provisions of Rule 4A and Appendix 2;
Claw-back. : means the contractual mechanism that allows the potential return, in whole or in part, of Shares granted under the Plan.
Claw-back. : means the contractual mechanism that permits the possible return, even in part, of the Shares allocated pursuant to the Plan.