Clean alternative fuel definition
Examples of Clean alternative fuel in a sentence
Clean alternative fuel conversions are accomplished by applying a certified or compliant alternative fuel conversion “kit” to an existing highway diesel engine.
Clean alternative fuel conversions for which the conversion manufacturer has complied with the revised subpart F regulations qualify for the CAA section 203(a) exemption from the tamperingdesigned, constructed, and applied consistent with good engineering judgment and in accordance with all applicable regulations.
Clean alternative fuel conversions must be “dedicated” or “mixed fuel”, meaning the engine runs only on the alternative fuel, or uses a small amount of diesel mixed with the alternative fuel.
Clean alternative fuel conversions are accomplished by applying a certified or compliant alternative fuel conversion "kit" to an existing highway diesel engine.
It only pays for the cost- differential between the conventional fuel and the cleaner fuel.Date Posted: 4/11/2014 B.iii.3: Are “dual fuel” conversion systems eligible for funding?Answer: Clean alternative fuel conversions must be “dedicated” or “mixed fuel”, meaning the engine runs only on the alternative fuel, or uses a small amount of diesel mixed with the alternative fuel.