Loop definition
Examples of Loop in a sentence
The City shall be responsible for all the design and construction services associated with the Southwestern Blvd Project and shall include the County Improvements as further defined below in the scope of the Southwestern Blvd Project, subject to the County’s ROW Dedication and a Three Million Dollar ($3,000,000) contribution to the planning, design, and ROW acquisition phases of the Southeast Inner Loop Project (the “County Contribution”).
Loop shall support functions associated with provisioning, maintenance and testing of the Unbundled Sub-Loop itself, as well as provide necessary access to provisioning, maintenance and testing functions for Network Elements to which it is associated.
The County is improving safe bikeway circulation county-wide via design and construction of the proposed 66-mile OC Loop Class 1 bikeway serving 17 cities.
Loop provides connectivity between the NID component of the unbundled sub-loop and the terminal block on the customer-side of a Feeder Distribution Interface (FDI).
The County Contribution does not impact the Williamson County’s twenty-million dollar ($20,000,000) commitment to the Southeast Inner Loop Project that was part of the 2023 road bond election.