Closed system definition
Closed system means any water system or portion of a water system in which water is transferred to a higher-pressure zone closed to the atmosphere, such as when no gravity storage is present.
Closed system means the use of a combination of solids control equipment including a shale shaker, flowline cleaner, desanders, desilters, mud cleaners, centrifuges, agitators, and any necessary pumps and piping incorporated in a series on the rig's steel mud tanks, or a self contained unit that eliminates the use of a reserve pit to dump and dilute drilling fluids for the removal of entrained drill solids. A closed system for the purpose of these rules may with Division approval include the use of a small pit to receive cuttings, but does not include the use of trenches for the collection of fluids of any kind.
Closed system has the meaning given to such term in the Project Agreement; “Closing” has the meaning given to such term in the Project Agreement;
Examples of Closed system in a sentence
Closed system, dust explosion-proof electrical equipment and lighting.
Definition, Concept of thermodynamic system and surroundings, Closed system, Open system, Isolated system, Thermodynamics definition of work.Zeroth low of thermodynamics Basic ideas, conventional and nonconventional forms- Thermal, Hydel, Tidal, wind, Solar, Biomass and Neuclear and their uses.
Closed system, open system, isolated system, thermodynamics definition of work.
Closed system simulation of planning, EVA, and review will have to wait for a more routinely usable system, certainly one not requiring a dozen support people and a mini-camp in the field.
Closed system, ventilation, explosion-proof electrical equipment and lighting.
More Definitions of Closed system
Closed system means an environ- ment in which system access is con- trolled by persons who are responsible for the content of electronic records that are on the system.
Closed system means an environment in which system access is controlled by persons who are responsible for the content of electronic records that are on the system.
Closed system means a closed composting reactor or closed area (such as a building) in which waste is fully contained and efficient air management abatement systems are demonstrated. This may cover a wide range of technology and where necessary is in compliance with the Animal By-Products Regulations.
Closed system means any reservoir or works located entirely within agricultural lands owned or controlled by the user and which requires water only for the filling, replenishing, and maintaining the water level thereof.
Closed system means an aquaculture facility with water discharge(s) that does not connect in any way to the waters of the State prior to the discharged water being screened, filtered or percolated to prevent cultured aquatic stock from escaping.
Closed system means an engineering control used while removing pesticide contents from its original container, preventing the pesticide from contacting handlers. It is used to protect handlers or other persons from pesticide exposure hazards when mixing and loading pesticides. When used properly and as intended, water-soluble packaging may qual- ify as a type of closed system.
Closed system means any water system or portion of a water system in which water is closed to atmosphere.