Examples of Club President in a sentence
The Club President, or Club designee as approved by the Club Board of Directors, shall cast the Club’s votes.
To consist of the following officials; RMFL President, RMFL Secretary plus an Independent Club President Refer to Appendix 8 for procedures.
Tiring of this and becoming restless, she looked around to see where her skills might be useful and that is when she decided to join Lions.Linda became Club President 3 years after joining, then Zone Chair 3 times (for 11W twice and 11E once).
If the individual continues to be disruptive or abusive the Club President or designee will write a letter to the individual restating GVR policy and possible consequences.
Resources include official publications and other forums, such as newsletters and web pages, but do not include the Club President, even if he or she receives a stipend.
Every notice of motion from a Club must be signed by the Club President or the Club Secretary.
Periodic reportsby the Club President to leaders and activists are routine even if the President is a candidate for reelection, so long as these reports do not mention the Club election.
Clubs shall vote for the Vice President-Elect nominee by Region, with each Club President, or Club designee as approved by the Club Board of Directors casting the Club’s votes for a Vice President-Elect nominee by Region in which the delegate’s Club is located.
The sergeant at arms chairs the social and reception committee.Immediate Past Club President Section 8The immediate past club president provides advice and counsel as requested by the club president.Council Representatives Section 9In the event the club president and/or vice president education shall be unable to attend a meeting of the district council, they shall certify the proxy credentials of the official representative or representatives of this club attending said district council meeting.
The bid must be submitted under a covering letter signed by the Club President, indicating Club approval and support.