Council Meetings. Upon receiving five (5) days advance notice, the Employer will attempt to reschedule days off for up to twenty (20) employees for the purpose of attending Council meetings. Employees attending such meetings shall be allowed to utilize earned compensatory time, vacation, or leaves of absences without pay at their discretion. Members of the bargaining unit shall be allowed to attend general membership meetings of the Council. Any member of the bargaining unit who is on duty at the time such meeting is held in the Patrol District shall be allowed to travel to and from the meeting via their assigned state vehicle and shall use compensatory time, vacation or unpaid leave during the time the employee is actually in attendance at the meeting. The Employer may require that minimum staffing levels be maintained during any such meeting. If the meeting extends beyond the end of an employee’s duty day, the employee shall not be in pay status during the return trip home. The Employer recognizes that due to the members of the bargaining unit being dispersed throughout the state, a series of meetings held in various geographic locations throughout the state (e.g., Patrol Districts), will be considered one (1) general membership meeting. The Council may only exercise this Section of the Agreement once per calendar year. The Council shall be allowed use of state facilities for such meetings when they are available. The Council shall provide the Employer with fourteen (14) calendar days advance written notice of such meetings.
Council Meetings. Full Council meetings will be held quarterly, but this period may be varied by agreement between a majority of Council members. Items for the agenda must be submitted to the Chairperson, in writing, five days prior to the meeting. All agenda items must be contained within the Terms of Reference as the Council is committed to the principle that issues outside of changes to terms and conditions of employment should be discussed at the team level, and wherever possible resolved within the team or department. Issues remaining unresolved at the team/department level shall be handled in accordance with the Grievance Process. Following the Council meeting, formal minutes will be prepared by the Secretary and agreed with nominated employee/employer members. These minutes will be circulated and posted on all noticeboards within 48 hours of the meeting. It is recognised that on occasions, matters of a confidential nature will be discussed, and in such cases this confidence will be respected by all members. The Council may establish sub-committees, that do not necessarily have to consist of members of the Council, to deal with specific issues. The terms of reference of such sub- committees will be determined by the Council.
Council Meetings. Meetings will be held at least four (4) times each school year, near the end of each grading period. Additional meetings may occur upon the mutual consent of both parties. The Superintendent and the President of CEA will jointly set the date and prepare the agenda for each meeting. The council shall adopt and may amend the agenda at the beginning of each meeting and may include unresolved items from previous years or previous meetings. The council shall function through open-minded, free discussion and shall be open to, but not limited to, items brought to the attention of its members. Minutes of council meetings shall be made available to the Board, Administration and Association members.
Council Meetings. Except to the extent prohibited by or in material conflict with Applicable Laws and Authorities, the Manager or the Manager's designee shall attend, and shall be permitted to attend, all meetings of the Council, both public and closed, with the exception of those closed meetings devoted to the consideration of any action or lack of action on this Agreement, or any amendment thereto, the Manager's evaluation, or to consider any issues regarding the Manager’s actions or performance, or for purposes of resolving conflicts between individual Council members. By majority vote, the Council may permit the Manager to attend said otherwise-excepted meetings.
Council Meetings. Each party is responsible for its own costs associated with attending the meetings. A representative(s) of the PWHLPA may also attend the meeting. Any Council member may propose topics for consideration to be included in the meeting agenda. The agenda items shall be reviewed and shall be limited to items which are of a group rather than individual interest or concern and shall not include issues that are being proceeded under the Grievance Procedure. The parties shall review the proposed agenda items and agree to a joint agenda at least two (2) weeks prior to the meeting.
Council Meetings. In relation to business continuity, the Trust shall, upon request by the Council, permit the Facilities to be used for such purposes as reasonable required by the Council in the circumstances to maintain the critical services of the Council whilst all or any of the Council’s buildings are not available.
Council Meetings. The Council shall meet, at a minimum, four times per calendar year for the purpose of reviewing applications, resolving complaints, evaluating NC-XXXX and W-XXXX requirements, establishing and amending Arizona XXXX policies and recommending changes to this Operating Agreement.
Council Meetings. This task involves support for city staff at City Council meeting to discuss results of rate study and related analyses. • FCS GROUP will prepare for and meet with the City Council up to two times to present and discuss findings.
Council Meetings. Under the Council's rules and regulations you have the right to go to most meetings of the Council or its committees as an observer. These are meetings of councillors who decide how Council services are run. You can get copies of the agendas and minutes. You have the right to speak on an issue at the relevant Committee meeting provided you meet certain criteria. You must obtain written permission before the meeting. You can obtain details on how to do this from the Member Services Manager at our Offices.
Council Meetings. Council meeting frequency, time, and duration shall be 30 defined by the Medical Center PNPC by-laws, however, the PNPC shall be 31 entitled to meet at least monthly for up to four (4) hours each meeting. This is 32 paid time and patient care relief must be provided by the Medical Center and 33 nurses shall be placed on the unit schedule as designated meeting time for 34 the length of the meeting. The Chairperson shall prepare an agenda in 1 consultation with council members (including executive, HIPAA, personnel 2 and confidential agenda items) and the secretary shall keep minutes of all 3 meetings, copies of which shall be provided to the Chief Nursing Officer, the 4 Medical Center Administrator, and the Association. Copies of the minutes 5 and council members’ names will be posted in each nursing unit. Non-voting 6 Association, Medical Center, or staff nurse observers may attend meetings, 7 but may be excused by the chairperson or the Chief Nursing Officer, with the 8 consent of the council. If the council does not consent, the Vice President 9 may table the agenda item or move to an executive session over the 10 objection of the council if open discussion of the matter would violate HIPAA 11 or would otherwise involve personnel or other legitimately confidential 12 information.