Examples of Collection Receptacle in a sentence
If the Panel finds that the standard of review under the subparagraphs is anything greater than total deference, it must find for Norway, because the United States has failed to substantiate its defence under any subparagraph.
Collection Receptacle A securely locked, substantially constructed container, used for the collection of household sharps, with a permanent outer container and a removable inner liner.
Estimated Cost to Retail Pharmacy Operating a Collection Receptacle (Low or MediumParticipation Rate) 39Table 8.
Annual Recurring Costs Associated with Operating a Collection Receptacle at aLTCF in a Rural Location 49Table 15.
Estimated Costs to Manufacturer Operating a Collection Receptacle 53Table 17.
A standard Collection Receptacle is any Waste Bag, Container, Exchange Container and Press Container defined in Chapter 7 "Definitions" of the General Terms and Conditions.
Upon termination of the Contract, the Customer shall pay Ragn-Sells all the invoices outstanding at the time of termination of the Contract and the expenses related to the termination of the Contract, including the removal, final emptying and/or reconditioning of the Collection Receptacles (including washing of the Collection Receptacle) pursuant to the invoice issued.
If the Collection Receptacle is locked, it must be unlocked on the day of emptying the container.
The Customer shall have no right to suspend the Contract or waive emptying of the Collection Receptacle in the case the scheduled emptying of the Collection Receptacle of the Customer is obligatory pursuant to the current legislation (in particular the terms and conditions of Organised Waste Transport).
Collection Receptacle which is lost, damaged, scribbled, stolen, completely or partially destroyed or damaged in any other manner.